Stare at My Reflection

Fainting Is Not Fun

Wesllie watched Draco walk away, wishing he'd come back. She didn't know if it was Draco himself or if she just wanted someone to break through all her shields. It was probably the latter. Wesllie just wanted someone to make her open up, because she just couldn't do it alone, and holding all of this stuff inside was tearing her apart.

She stood around waiting for him to come back, but it never happened. Sighing in defeat she took the familiar path up to her room. She fell on the bed and stared at the ceiling remembering Draco's words. ["Whatever, Wolfe, if you don't want to tell me, I don't really give a shit."] The words stung, because that's all she wanted to do was tell him, but she just couldn't. It was hard for her to talk about her problems. Whenever she tried, the words just wouldn't form, it was like she forgets how to speak.

Why would she want to tell Draco anyways? He'd just make fun of her like he had when they were in the bathroom. She winced at the memory. Getting up from the bed, she exhaled and walked over to her trunk. She pulled out a scale she has purchased from a store in the muggle world last year when she had to do a project in Muggle Studies. Slowly, she stepped on the scale, praying she hadn't gained any weight from last time she'd weighed herself.

129lbs was what the scale said. Wesllie let out a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding. She'd lost eight pounds. A small smile began to break out on her face. She was getting smaller and it felt good. She went to bed that night still smiling. Now if only she could lose a little bit more.

The next day in the Great Hall Wesllie didn't even crave eating, there was noway she'd mess up her weight loss. Food was good, but the feeling of control she felt she had over her weight was empowering.

"Hey, Wesllie, you look really good today! I'm not sure what it is, but you definitely look better.", Seamus Finnigan, another Gryffindor, said as he passed Wesllie.

Wesllie smiled a bright smile, "Thank you."

If she had any doubts before, that comment proved that skinnier girls look better.

She glanced over at Draco and oddly, he was staring at her. She looked away quickly.

When breakfast was over she made her way outside for Care of Magical Creatures, glad that Draco wasn't in the class with her.

"Hey Hagrid!", she called when the big man came into view.

"Wesllie Wolfe, well ain't it been awhile. Come 'ere an' let me look at ya."

Wesllie ran over missing the big man a lot.

"Well look at you! Yer getting more beautiful every year!"

Wesllie beamed, "Thank you!".

And then Harry and the gang approached. She was long forgotten as the golden trio surrounded Hagrid and started chatting about their summer. Wesllie stood back by a tree and took in the nature around her. It was so beautiful, she though. She'd always liked being outside, it was just so raw, so beautiful, something she would never be.

As she watched the trees, they started to spin. Around and around and around. She was getting really dizzy and didn't know what was going on. The rush of falling and then black. While swimming in the dark abyss she heard Draco's voice. He was calling to her so softly. "Wesllie.." She tried to get to the voice swimming faster. "Wesllie.." She clung to it. "Wesllie!", he eyes snapped open and she searched for his angelic face, but he was nowhere to be found. Instead she saw Hagrid, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and they rest of her class gathered around her looking worried.

"Wesllie! Are you okay?", Hermione's voice said.

"What happened..?"

"Ye fainted. First ye were just standin' by the tree, then ye fell like a brick."


"I think ye need to go see Madam Pomfrey, Harry go with 'er and make sure she's okay."

"Okay Hagrid."

Harry helped Wesllie up and walked her to the hospital wing.

"Do you want me to stay?", Harry asked Wesllie.

"No, I'm okay." When he looked skeptical she said, "Really, Harry, I'm fine."

Reluctantly Harry nodded and went back to class.

After doing some simple test Madam Pomfrey came back in looking worried.

"Well, dearie, it seems you're a bit, well a lot dehydrated. When was the last time you ate or drank?"

Wesllie gulped and tried to think of something to tell her.

"Well, I wasn't feeling too good this morning and I didn't want to upset my stomach so I didn't eat anything."

"That wasn't a smart thing to do, Wesllie, if you're feeling sick again you come straight to me okay?"

"Yes ma'am.", Wesllie said relieved.

"Okay, now I want you to eat something and then go straight to bed. And um, you're head girl, right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well, you're going to need someone to look after you. Since Mr. Malfoy is head boy he'll be the one to care for you. I'll get him out of class right now, and you both will go straight to the kitchen to eat, then off to bed."

Wesllie looked horrified. She had to eat? and in front of Draco. What if he called her fat again? But it was too late now Madam Pomfrey had already gone to get Draco.
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Woohoo! Chapter four! I hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter!