Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me


Zacky’s P.O.V

I watched as Jimmy taught her how to play drums. She was so cute, when she didn’t get a part right her face would scrunch up a little and she’d be more determined to get it right. I had to admit she was a fast learner. I was so happy I decided to come here early today. That hour with her was the best hour in all my relationship experience. She was so shy when she played; I was even surprised to hear her sing. She really was Matt’s sister, she sang so beautifully.

I watched as she began to try another part of a song, but she got it wrong. Then Jimmy came up behind her and grabbed her hands to show her the right way to do it. That jackass, I swear I’m going to kick his ass. I’ll admit it! I’m jealous, he gets to touch her and hold her hand, something I’ve wanted to do ever since I saw her. I want to hold her so badly. The first time I saw her all I wanted was to fuck her, but now…..I don’t know, it’s like…..I’ve never felt this way towards any girl.

Jimmy’s P.O.V

I’m touching her, holding her hands, so close I could practically smell her sweet hair. It smelt so much like lavender. Creepy I sound like a stalker. I was practically euphoric this morning, I was going to spend time with Shilo, sure it wasn’t alone but it was still something. I woke up earlier than I usually would; I took a shower and spent some time making my self look good.

After I did that I was fixing my hair when I realized something. I never did any of this stuff when I was with other girls. Why was I acting this way now? I never really needed to make myself look better; usually girls would come to me with the snap of my finger. I’d fuck them and then leave them the next morning and if the girl was good I’d keep her around longer.

What was this girl doing to me? When I came in with Brian I tried to act like I knew everything, but that was shot down. She’s so sarcastic and funny. I’ve never met anyone like that. I kept praying that she’ll mess up so I could have an excuse to hold her hands.

Shilo’s P.O.V

I had just finished playing against Brian with our guitars when Johnny came into the studio. “Hey Shy” he said with a huge smile as he walked in with his hands in his pocket. “Hey Johnny what’s up?” I asked. “Oh um, Lacy and the girls want to take you out for a girls day, their waiting upstairs for you” he said.

“Cool, um you guys don’t mind if I go do you” I asked the guys. They all said I should go and said that we’d do it again. “Okay bye” I said with a wave as I ran upstairs. “Hey guys give e a second to go get my purse” I said as I ran upstairs to get my black skull purse and change my shoes.

Johnny’s P.O.V

As Shilo ran out of the room, my smile became even bigger. The guys were in so much shit it was hilarious. Matt didn’t know his baby sister was in a sound proof room with three of the horniest guys in the world. Wait till I tell him. “You guys are in so much trouble” I sang as I watched them glare at me.

“Keep your mouth shut short shit” said Brian with a threatening glare. I just laughed, “Does matt know you guys are down here?” I asked. As soon as those words left my mouth, their faces changed and I ran up the stairs. He doesn’t know their down there! I am so going to go tell him now. As so as I ran up the stairs I heard a thunder of footsteps behind me and I knew the guys were going to try and stop me. Ha ha fat chance. I maybe small but I’m fucking fast!
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I hope you like the update. Thanks to all who made me Banner's they rock! Comment?

Over and Out Captain!!!