Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

Boobies and Panties!

Shilo’s P.O.V

Val, Lacey and I ran all the way upstairs to my room as soon as we got home. We didn’t even say hi to the guys who were in the living room watching some game on TV. Michelle had decided to go home after shopping with us. “Okay first things first, I need to take your measurements and then pick out what fabric and style you want it” I said as I locked my door.

“Me first” said Val, I laughed at her she looked like such a little kid. “Hey Shilo can you show us the underwear you make” asked Lacey with a wicked smile. I giggled, “If you want I can make you some but I have to warn you you’re going to give poor Johnny a heart attack” I said. I walked over to my closet and opened up a large plastic storage container. I kept all my newly made clothes in it. I had about seven containers for clothes that I made a container full of sketches and three more for material. I pulled out a light blue lace bra and underwear along with a few other items I made myself.

From my knowledge I learned that you have to try everything when in fashion. “Shy you have to make me something like this” said Val as she picked out a black corset and panties that were laced in pink. “And I want this said Lacey as she picked out a turquoise blue set. I smiled, “Good choices” I said, “But now I have to take your measurements and make you guys dresses” I said as I took out my measuring tape. I took Val’s measurements first and then Lacey’s.

“Okay I think I know what I’m going to make for you guys but I want your opinions first” I said as I sat down at my desk and began to sketch. After a while I held up a sketch of Val’s dress. “Oh my god, yes I love it that’s the one I want” she said, I smiled I knew she would like it. I tried to design their dresses with their personalities. “We have to throw a part to show off these dresses” said Lacey.

“Ya, we have too. I’ll talk to Matt and maybe we can have the party at Zacky’s house, seeing as it’s the biggest and the best for parties” said Val. After a few more minutes I came up with Lacey’s. I held it up and she smiled, “You’re a genius” she said. I laughed, “I know” I replied as I wiggled my eye brows.

“Ha don’t be modest” said Val sarcastically, “I try not to” I said, we all laughed. “Okay now I need you two to go down stairs. I can make the lingerie pieces in an hour but the dress won’t be done until tomorrow” I said as I shooed them out. “That’s okay; we’re going to go downstairs and hangout with the guys. Call us when you’re done so we can try them on” said Val as she and Lacey made their way downstairs. I closed the door and then took a deep breath. Now is the time to show what I can really do.

Zacky’s P.O.V

We were all sitting in the living room watching TV when Lacey and Val came down the stairs and sat down with us. After the football game finished we switched it to fuse, to see us and our upcoming tour being announced. I swear we all had been so blessed to actually have made it as musicians and have all this money.

“So how was your day?” asked Matt as he turned to Val who was snuggled up against his side. “It was great we managed to come back with a trunk full of stuff” said Val happily. Matt rolled his eyes and groaned, “Tell me I still have money in my account?” said Matt. Val smiled and pulled out his credit card, Matt took it from her and his face fell. “You poor poor thing, you look so worn out” said Matt as he held his precious credit card with both hands. Jimmy came up behind him and put his hand on his back sympathetically. “Sorry man” said Jimmy as he shook his head.

I silently giggled at Matt’s misfortune. “Guys I’m finished” yelled Shilo from the top of the stairs. “What’s she finished with?” asked Brian as we looked at Val and Lacey with puzzlement. “Did you know Shilo sews?” Asked Lacey. We all shook our heads, “Well she was making us versions of the lingerie she made in our sizes” said Val with a smile. The guys and I exchanged looks before we thundered up the stairs to Shilo’s room leaving Val and Lacey confused.

“Shilo open the door” said Jimmy as he pounded on her door with a maniacal smile on his face. Shilo cracked the door open slowly. We all barged in to her room looking around. “Can I help you?” she asked as she looked at us like we were crazy. “Yes can you make this in my size?” asked Jimmy as he held up a yellow corset with red lining.

The guys and I laughed as we rummaged threw Shilo’s room looking for panties. “Awe Jimmy I didn’t know you rowed the boat that way” said Shilo with a giggle. Jimmy blushed and gave a small laugh “No no no I don’t. I like girls see panties and boobies” said Jimmy as he ran over to a mannequin and started feeling her up. “All of you out of here” said Val as she finally reached Shilo’s room with Lacey close behind.

“Why?” I asked they had no right to throw us out. “Because we have business to do with Shilo, now if you don’t get out I will tell Shilo about that time you all got drunk on the Matt’s boat, so scram” said Val in a threatening tone. Our eyes widened and we quickly left the room. If there’s one thing I don’t want Shilo to know it’s about that night on Matt’s boat.
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I hoped you guys liked this chapter, I have to say it's one of my favorites. Sorry I couldn't put pictures with the outfits my stupid computer sucks. Please comment! Oh and check out ShaleseRayEen's story called Wakening and synacky_luver_7's story Better Than Me they're really great stories so far!

P.S I dont make my own clothes only the character! LOL As if, I'm stupid with a needle!
Over and Out Captain!!!