Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

The Truth

One hour later

Shilo’s P.O.V

After I finished getting everything together for a long night of sewing I decided to go downstairs and hang out with everyone. I entered the living room where everyone sat. I took the closest seat next to Brian. He smiled at me as I sat down. “Hey guys Lacey, Shilo and I were talking and we were wondering if you guys wanted to have a party?” said Val enthusiastically.

“And where do you plan on having this party?” asked Matt, out of fear for his precious house. “At Zacky’s” said Lacey simply, with a huge grin. “Hey when did I agree to this?” said Zacky with confusion. I was silently laughing at them they all looked like a real life cartoon strip you find in the newspaper.

“Oh come on Zack your house is the biggest, plus it has a pool, and we’ll all help clean after” said Val. I had to admit both Lacey and Val were good at persuading people. Zacky thought for a second then smiled. “Fine but you better clean up after the party or else...” he said. I rolled my eyes, “Oh really, and what would you really do?” I said with a small laugh. Zacky gave me a huge grin, “That’s for me to know” he said as he got up and went to the kitchen, I assume for more beer. I swear the guys have to really start cutting back, they drank way too much.

Zacky’s P.O.V

I have to admit its like fate was on my side. I was kind of stupid not to see the possibility of a party at my house. It took me a second but then I figured it out. Matt won’t be a problem at the party since he usually gets drunk and ends up with him and Val crashing in one of my guest bedrooms.

Brian ALWAYS gets drunk and hooks up with one of the girls at the party so he’s out of the way. Jimmy cant handle being at a party with out drinking and doing crazy shit like dive bombing from my roof into the pool. All in all this was great, plus a huge party will be crazy so I can hang out with Shilo by myself.

I smiled and mentally gave myself a high five. I grabbed a beer from out of the fridge and went back to the living room. With a plan like mine, and everything set up right what could possibly go wrong?

Shilo’s P.O.V

After a while I got up and decided to go out. I felt like going for a walk and stretching my legs before I had to spend an entire night making dresses. I grabbed my hoodie and told Matt, I’d be right back. “Hey wait I want to come too” said Val as she got up and ran after me. Thank god the beach was close. I started walking with Val in a comfortable silence. “Hey so you excited about the party?” she asked, I shrugged my shoulders.

“I don’t really like parties but since you guys will be there and since it is your party I guess” I said. In truth I wasn’t exactly comfortable going to parties…especially since the last one I went to. “Well as long as you’re coming your going to have a great time. We know how to throw the best parties” said Val boasting.

“And besides who knows? There could be some cute guys at the party” she said. That’s what I was afraid of… cute boys. “Ya I guess” I said quietly. Val laughed, “I doubt the guys will even let you out of their sights” she continued. “Ya Matt will be on the watch” I said, just then Val laughed louder. “Not him silly, I got him taken care of. I mean Jimmy, Brian and Zacky” she said. I gave her a confused look.

“Why would they watch me?” I asked. Just then Val stopped and stared at me. “Because they have the Hotts for you, they keep following you around like lost puppies. Their all practically in love with you” she said. I shook me head in disbelief. “No their not, they just like hanging around with me” I said. “Ya that’s why they keep hanging around you, You mean you didn’t notice?” she asked me.

My eyes started to fill with tears as memories of my past came back before my eyes. I could never keep friends, guys especially. I only had three best friends since childhood who stayed close to me. I thought Brian, Jimmy and Zacky were hanging out with me because they liked me….not my looks. I shook my head as I looked down and tears started falling from my eyes.

Every time I think I have a true friend they end up wanting something. “Oh Shy, I didn’t know…” started Val as she moved in to give me a hug. Just then I ran all the way back to the house. I threw open the door and let out a sob. The guys all got up when they saw me crying. “Shilo what’s wrong?” asked Brian as he tried to touch me.

I pulled away quickly, “Don’t touch me” I yelled, “Where’s Matt?” I asked as I looked around for him. “He went to the store. Shilo what happened?” asked Jimmy. “Nothing” I said as I quickly ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. Why is it I can never find people who like me for me?
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Sorry for taking so long. I've been super duper busy. Please be patient. Comments help! I'm a little behind so if you read my other stories please be patient! LOVE

Over and Out Captain!!!