Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

Sighs and Calls

Matt’s P.O.V

I walked down the stairs quietly deep in thought. I knew exactly what happened when she found out about the guy’s liking her. She’s had some bad experiences when it came to guys. Her friends Derek and Dominic told me about Austin before we left Miami and later on Shilo told me about him. Her friend Ann told me that they tired to protect her as much as they could, but some how Austin fooled them into thinking that he wasn’t attracted to Shilo and that he truly cared about her.

Ann even told me that Shilo didn’t even realize they were going out until their third date. As I entered the living room everyone got up and started towards me. “Is she alright?” asked Zacky worriedly, now I know Zack and I’ve never seen him so attached to a girl as he is to my sister, but it’s just that! She’s just my sister and I just found out about her. They were taking her away from me when I haven’t even had a chance to get to know her. “Ya she’s better now” I said. “Matt why is she so upset?” asked Brian, his face showing a number of emotions but the most visual is confusion. “She’s had some bad experiences with guys before” I said as an image of someone trying to hurt Shilo flashed past my eyes.

“What did she say?” asked Jimmy, he too looked worried, I guess he too was acting pretty decent around her, I haven’t seen him with a girl yet. “She was just upset” I said shortly, I knew it wasn’t entirely their fault and that they did care about her but I too was upset now. “Matt I’m so…” started Val but I cut her off, “Val it’s not your fault” I said as I gave her a sympathetic look.

She shook her head and turned away, “Guys I think you should go now I’m going to try and talk to Shilo again” I said to them, they all nodded and headed towards the door. I sat down on the couch and rested my head in my hands. “Matt” said a voice; I looked towards the door and saw Zacky. “I know that you don’t believe me when I say I care about her, but I really do. Please just let her know that we are her friends and that we didn’t mean to hurt her” said Zack as he gave me a sad look and left.

I sighed and placed my head back in my hands frustrated. Just then I got an idea, I lifted my head and smiled at my own genius idea. I took out my cell phone from my back pocket and dialed a certain number. “Hello this is coco” said a voice, I rolled my eyes. “Hey it’s me” I said as I stood up and started pacing the living room.

“Ahh Creampuff, how are you?” asked the voice again I rolled my eyes in annoyance at the name she gave me. “Listen I need your help” I started, “Why what’s happened?” she asked worriedly. “How do you know something’s happened?” I asked, no matter how long I will know this girl she will always annoy me. “Because I’m cool like that and because I’m physic” she said, I didn’t even have to see her to know she had a goofy smile on her face, I could tell.

“Um… well I need your help. I was wondering if you could fly down to Cali for a week or something?” I said hopefully. “I’m only a few hours away actually I’m on vacation with my family in Vegas” she said, “Why what happened” she continued. I began to tell her the events of the day, when I finished she sighed, “I see what you mean, well of course I could be down there tomorrow morning. I just need to pack and have my brother drive me” she said.

I sighed happily, “That’s great I’ll give you the address when you get to Huntington and you can stay with us in the spare room” I said. “Okay then I’ll see you tomorrow” she said. “Thanks” I said, “Ha Ha your welcome Creampuff” she said before she hung up. At least things can’t get worse; tomorrow Shilo will be happier that’s for sure and I’ll try and talk to her again. The things I do for family.
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Sorry for the lack of updates! I have like 7 stories and I'm at the end of midterms so Thursday is the last day and I'll start updating more! I hope you guys comment i love to hear that you like the story! If the last three people hadn't commented in the last two days i wouldn't have updated but i felt guilty so comments work!

Over and Out Captain!!!