Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me


Matt’s P.O.V

“Matt, I’m going out for a walk, okay” said Shilo as she came into my room. I looked at her, she looked better than yesterday. “You can’t” I said, she had to stay here for her surprise. “Why not?” she asked, “because I have a surprise for you” I said. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen with Shilo right behind me. “What’s the surprise?” she asked, finally I gave up.

“Why don’t you go for a walk by the time you get back your surprise might be here” I said as I looked around the fridge for something to eat. She sighed, “Fine I’ll be back in 20 minutes” she said as she made her way towards the door. “Take your cell phone with you” I yelled as she left the house. I finally decided to just have some cereal. I made a bowl of cereal and then went to the living room to see what’s on TV. Just then the door bell rang; I put down my bowl of cereal and walked to the door.

I opened it to find her. “Hi” yelled Ann in my ear. She was one of the weirdest people I’ve ever met. “Oh it’s just you” I said as I walked back into the living room. “Yes it’s me dear Creampuff, and where’s my little Shy?” she said as she closed the door behind her and dropped her bags near the door. “She went out for a walk, she should be back soon” I said as I turned off the TV.

“Great that should calm her down a little. So what’s up?” she said as she dropped her self on the couch. “Nothing, just the usual stuff” I answered bored. “Drama, Drama, Drama” she said, “Ya I guess you could say that. So what do you plan on doing?” I asked her. “Well I thought a lot about this and I do have a plan which I’m not required to tell you?” she said with a smug grin.

I rolled my eyes, and the front door opened, “Matt I’ve done a lot of thinking” said Shilo as soon as she walked in, just then the loudest ear piercing scream was heard. “SHILO” yelled Ann as she tackled Shilo to the ground and hugged her. “Ann?” asked Shilo in shock, “Yupty do” she said as she sat on Shilo’s stomach, “Coco what are you doing here?” asked Shilo happily.

“Well...Creampuff here called me and humbly invited me to stay with you guys for a while” she said happily. I smiled at them, Shilo looked so happy. “Oh my god that’s so great, thank you Matt” said Shilo as she pushed Ann off of her and ran over to give me a hug.

I hugged her back, “any thing for you sis” I said happy to have my little sister back to normal. “okay enough chit chat we both have major catching up to do so why don’t we go out and get some movies then come back here and have a movie night?” asked Ann happily. “I cant I have to put the finishing touches on Val and Lacey’s dresses then they said that they were going to come today and pick them up” said Shilo. I gave her a little hug. “Okay why don’t you both stay here and wait for Val and Lacey and I’ll go rent a few movies” I said, “Ya right Creampuff, knowing you your going to get gore and violent movies, I’m coming too” said Ann. I rolled my eyes, “Fine” I said as I grabbed my jacket from the couch.

Shilo’s P.O.V

I was so happy Ann was here, she always could put a smile on my face. Plus it was always funny to see her and Matt argue. They both went out about half an hour ago to get movies and some junk food. I didn’t really expect them home for another hour. They were both probably fighting about what movies they’re going to rent. I managed to finish the dresses and put the finishing touches to them.

I put up Val’s dress to admire it, it was perfect. I put both the dresses on hangers and walked downstairs. Just then I heard the door bell. I walked to the door and opened it to find Zacky. I was going to close the door when he put his hand and foot blocking the door. “Shilo, wait” said Zacky as he opened the door.

I huffed and left walking to the kitchen to get away from him. “What do you want?” I asked angrily turning around to face him. His face was saddened and he looked ashamed, “I came here to say I’m sorry” he said. I sighed, “I don’t want your apologies” I said as I opened the fridge door. “Please Shilo, what were we suppose to do? I like you… a lot and so did Jimmy and Brian” said Zacky as he tried to get my attention, I wasn’t going to look at him.

“I thought you guys were my friends” I said shakily. “We are…but I want to be more. Being your friend only made me realized that it made me love you even more” he said as he grabbed my hand. “Please come tomorrow night to the party. I need to talk to you” he said. I shrugged, “I’ll think about it” I said as I turned away again. “Okay” said Zacky quietly as he left. Great, everything in California is just great!
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Okay so I'm updating this from my cousins computer because my internet is being a bitch!LOVE YOU ALL! Comments help me update faster and plus it would be nice to have some comments for all my hard work! I managed to update 4 out of my 7 active stories so COMMENT!

Over and Out Captain!!!!