Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

The Party Part 1

Shilo’s P.O.V

I can’t believe it…nope……it must be a dream. I was currently getting ready for….a party. Okay so after Ann and Matt came back, Matt went out with Val while Ann and I watched a movie and talked about Zack. Long story short the little devil said that I should go to his party. I don’t know what happened to the old Ann, but I want her back. “Don’t worry I’ll be there the whole time and if you don’t feel comfortable we’ll leave” said Ann as she gave me a side hug.

“I just need you and Matt there and I’ll be okay” I said. I was kind of planning on talking to the guys tonight and I say kind of, because I don’t know if I will. “Are you two ready?” asked Matt as he came in. We both nodded and followed Matt out of the house and to his car. We drove to the party with Matt setting rules for us. “Okay Number 1No going into a room alone with a guy…I don’t care who it is. Number 2 If either of you drink anything containing Alcohol you will be punished” he said. “What do you mean punished?” tested Ann with a raised eyebrow.

“That’s my secret” he said smartly with a grin. “Number 3 you will stay within my eye range so I can keep an eye on both of you. Number 4 No and I repeat no touch, dancing or kissing with anyone of the opposite sex” said Matt. “How about with the same sex?” countered Ann. I laughed she was trying to get to Matt and I know it was working because he was giving her a death glare.

“Okay we’re here” I said to them. Ann immediately grew a big smile and her face lit up with excitement. Matt parked the car and got out. Ann sprinted from the car and I got out behind her. “Hey Shy” said Matt as he grabbed my arm. “If you need anything or you want to go home just tell me okay?” said Matt softly. I know he worries about me and I like that someone cares about me like he does.

“I’ll be okay…I have my own little body guard” I said with a laugh referring to Ann. “Shy come on” said Ann as she grabbed my hand and dragged me in. We were greeted with lots of people drinking, dancing and making out on the couches, but I wasn’t really interested with that. I was interest in Zacky’s place.

I know weird…but it was amazing. It was so big and beautiful. Ann and I walked around a little and bumped into Lacey. “Hey Shy” said Lacy as she gave me a hug. “Hey Lacey this is my best friend Ann” I said as I introduced them. Ann gave her a friendly smile and a polite ‘nice to meet you’. “Hey the all the guys are out back near the pool if you want to go say hi” she said as she headed for the kitchen. I sighed; I was going to have to face them sooner or later.

Zacky’s P.O.V

I was talking to this girl when I saw Matt and Val come over and sit with us. Brian was talking to Michelle and Jimmy was talking to the girl’s friend. When Matt sat down I ended the conversation with the girl and went over to him. “Hey Matt did Shilo come?” I asked with hope. Ever since I talked to her yesterday I feared that she wouldn’t come. I have to talk to her tonight.

“Ya her and her friend Ann are some where around here” he said as he gave me a look. I ignored it, just as I was about to go find Shilo. There she was walking out of the house and towards us. I don’t know why but every time I see her she looks so beautiful it stuns me and leaves me shocked for the first few seconds. Just as she came up to us Jimmy had to butt in.

“Shy we missed you” said Jimmy as he went up to her. She gave him a smile, “Hey Shilo can I talk to you for a minute?” said Brian as he left Michelle and gave his full attention to Shilo. She gave him a small smile and nodded her head. The both left to another part of the backyard. Thing aren’t going to go as smoothly as I planed.
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Okay so my internet is still being a bitch but i can update! Comments help me know if i'm doing okay so please comment! Oh and read my new Brian story called 'There Goes My Body!' i personally think it's going to be good but you be the judge of that.

Over and Out Captain!