Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

The Party Part 2

Shilo’s P.O.V

Brian led me to the other side of the back yard that was secluded. We could hear the waves of the beach not far from us. We finally stopped and sat down on some chairs. I turned to Brian but he was just staring at the ground. “Brian?” I questioned and then he looked up at me and gave me a small smile. “Shilo…..I’m sorry” said Brian I nodded my head.

“I forgive you” I said. He looked down and shook his head. “No it’s not…I know it wasn’t the best way to handle liking you” he said. I sighed, “Zacky talked to me yesterday and I forgive you guys…but the reason I was so hurt is that I’ve had bad experiences in the past with guys being my friends first” I said as I looked away, the horrible memories with Austin will never be forgotten.

“Matt said the same thing…What happened?” he asked curiously. “We’ll my ex- boyfriend Austin was my first and only boyfriend and he had tried to rape me and let’s just say he had anger issues. He started out as my best friend but as soon as we started dating, he showed his true colors” I said. “He fucking tired to rape you” said Brian angrily as he rose.

“Brian it happened a long time ago, but now you see why it hurt me?” I said trying to calm him down, in fact in wasn’t long ago but he doesn’t need to know that. From only knowing Brian for a few weeks he was a pretty good guy and I would never imagine him being a jerk. If only Austin hadn’t ruined the whole dating thing. I don’t think I could ever date again.

“Hey Brian” yelled someone, we looked up to see in was Zacky he was walking over to us. “Michelle needs to talk to you she said it was important” said Zacky as he pointed his thumb towards Michelle all the way back at the party. Brian sighed, “We’ll talk later okay” said Brian as he left Zacky and I alone. “You thirsty?” asked Zacky. I smiled and nodded my head; he led me back into the party and saw Jimmy doing body shots with two girls. Zacky just laughed and shook his head.

“He always does something crazy at parties and it’s still early” said Zacky as he led me to the kitchen where all the drinks were. “Zack” someone yelled out. “I’ll be right back” said Zacky as he left me in the kitchen. I sighed, I hadn’t seen Anna and Matt was no where to be seen. I wasn’t really having fun. So far it’s only been for lack of a better word emotional.

Just then Jimmy came running into the kitchen smiling. “Hey Shy. What are you doing?” he said as he hoped up on a counter and took long drink from his beer. “You want one?” he asked me as he held up an extra beer. I smiled, “No thanks” I said as I too jumped up onto the island. “Why?” he asked, I just laughed he was full of questions. “Because I have some growing up to do, I’m only 17” I said with a laugh.

He gave me a shocked look, “You’ve never drank before?” he asked, I just shook my head. “Fuck by the time I was your age I used to have a beer everyday” he said as he took another sip of his drink.

“Ya, but still it messes with you” I said as I examined a beer that was next to me. I looked threw the top and saw it was half empty. “I like to know what I’m doing at all times” I said with a smile. “Ah yes Obi one a mind is a terribly thing to waste” said Jimmy as he tried to impersonate Yoda from Star War’s. I laughed at him, “Ya something like that” I said as I giggled at the stupid faces he was making. “Come on just try a sip” he said as he offered me his beer.

I took it from him and took a deep breath. I put it to my lips and took a small sip. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, at least I know what it tastes like. Just then at the worst moment Matt walks in and spots me with a beer in my hand.

“You just broke rule number 2.What did I say before we got here? I specifically said nothing that contains alcohol and here not even an hour later and you’re already breaking the rules” said a furious Matt as he grabbed the beer out of my hands with force. “I told her she should take a drink” said Jimmy quickly as he lept off the counter and took the beer from Matt only to finish the drink off.

“You gave my baby sister beer?” asked Matt shocked. “Well when you say it like that it makes it sound criminal” said Jimmy sarcastically. “I’m going to kill you” said Matt as he began chasing Jimmy. Jimmy just ran laughing his ass off at Matt. Jimmy was fast, I doubt Matt could catch him. I quickly jumped off the counter and made my way back into the party.
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OMG i have 100 subscribers! Now if everyone commented that would be lovely! LOL comment and to those who haven't subscribed please do! My keyboard works again and I'm not sick anymore so ya i can update! I hope you guys like this one! There's going to be a third and possible a fourth part to the party and a lot more's going to happen. Will Zacky ever talk to Shilo? What happened to Brian? Will Matt kill the awesome Drummer? find out in the next chapter of Don't Say You Love Me! LOL *Cough* Comment *Cough*

Over and Out Captain!!!