Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

New Home

“Shy is that the last of the box’s?” asked my new brother Matt. Your probably wondering what’s going on right? Well let me make this really short. My family died in a fire. I find out that I was switched at birth and that my real family is taking me in. My New Brother is M.Shadows from Avenged sevenfold and I’m going to be living with him until I’m old enough to go out on my own. Ya, try handling that within the span of 24 hours. I was currently moving all my stuff into my new home.

My real parents told me that it would be easier because he’s more around my age. It was a month ago that my family died. I was staying at a friend’s house that night when it happened so I’m the only surviving person in my family. After I found out that I was switched at birth and I was going to live in California, Matt decided to stay and help me with all of my parent’s stuff, at least what was left of it. So here I am moving the few things I have left into my brother’s house.

“Ya that was the last one” I said as I closed the trunk to his car. I walked in and smiled at my brother. For the past month he has been like my best friend. The older brother I never had. He was really nice for taking me in even though he’s only known me for a month. I looked up at him. I could see how we were related. We both had the same black hair, hazel eyes and the same personality. “Hey what do you say we eat and then unpack your stuff?” he asked me as he placed his giant arm around my small shoulders.

“Okay” I said as I smiled at him. “Oh thank god I’m starving” he said as he ran towards the kitchen. “Why am I not surprise” I said as I laughed at him. He was always hungry. “Hey not nice, I’m not always hungry” he whined as he made him self the biggest sandwich I had ever seen. I stared at the sandwich and he chuckled.

“Okay okay, but it’s only because I’m a growing boy” he said as he took a big bite of his sandwich. “Matt if you grow any more there won’t be room on that tour bus” I said as I made my own sandwich. “Speaking of tour buses, what do you say to going with me on tour this summer?” he asked happily.

“Oh my god I would be the happiest kid ever” I said as I hugged him. “Good because I can’t leave you here by your self” “Why not? I was only planning on having the biggest party of the century getting drunk and making out with boys” I joked. He rolled his eyes. “You such a comedian” he said as he finished his sandwich. We ate our food and then decided to go and unpack some of my stuff. I had a feeling that everything was going to be alright here in my new home.
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New story! Please comment!

Over and Out Captain!!!!