Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

The Party Part 4

Brian’s P.O.V

Fuck, how could I be so fucking stupid? Shilo walked in and saw me and Michelle. God I didn’t want her to see us. Now she’s going to think that I’m with Michelle and then I won’t be able to tell her how I really feel. I know I shouldn’t have but Michelle gave me no choice.


I pushed Michelle off as soon as she stuck her tongue down my throat. “What the fuck do you think your doing?” I yelled at her. Ever since I threw her out yesterday all she’s done is try and get me into bed. “Oh come on Bri don’t act like you don’t want it” she said as she started taking my pants off. I pulled away from her, “I don’t” I spat at her. Her face grew dark and her smile stayed the same.

“Oh yes you do…and you will if you want to keep your dirty little secret on the down low” she said as she pulled my face towards her. I glared at her, “What secret?” I asked, I knew what it was but I didn’t know she knew. “Don’t play stupid Bri” she said in a babyish tone, she then kissed my jaw. “How did you find out?” I asked as panic started to set in.

“When I was at your house yesterday I found a little packet filled with drugs in your underwear drawer while I was looking for something to wear. If you don’t want the band to find out, I suggest you start kissing me” she said as she continued to make her way down my neck. “Now if the band found out, that would mean that your precious little Shilo will find out too. What do you think she’ll think of you then?” she said as she pulled away to examine my face.

If she ever found out, then I wouldn’t have a chance with her. “Come on Bri it’s not like we haven’t fucked before” she said as she went back to kissing me.

I kissed her back furiously, she had no right to do this, but I had to keep it a secret. It’s not like the guys haven’t taken it before or known that I did drugs too, but ever since last year a friend of ours over dosed and died. We all swore to get clean and not screw up what we have. I know that Zacky especially had a hard time and after the others found out they got really angry. I was the only one who wasn’t, since I too had the same problem.

I quickly got up and put my clothes on. “Where are you going we’re not finished” said Michelle as she got up and tired to stop me. “Yes we are” I said as I got up and left the room. I had to find Shilo, sure Michelle could tell the guys but I’ll just deny it. I swear I’m getting rid of all of it tonight. As I went down stairs and searched for her I was silently praying that Michelle doesn’t find her first. I soon gave up after searching the whole house. I grabbed a beer and than went to the beach for some alone time.

Shilo’s P.O.V

“Come in” said a voice I recognized as Zacky’s. I opened the door and then walked in, as I walked threw the room, I saw that it was pretty neat for a guy who lived alone and was a rock star. I walked out onto balcony and saw Zacky leaning on the railing looking at me with a smile. “Hey” I said as I walked up beside him. “Hey” he said with as he looked at me. I turned away and I felt my face grow warm. I hated when people stared at me. “You're also cute when you blush” he said, I felt my face get hotter.

“Please don’t say things like that” I said as I turned to look at the view. It was beautiful, the house was so close to the ocean you could hear the sounds of the wave’s crash onto the shore as the moon light lit up the night and the air was moist and had the smell of the salty water on its breeze. “But its true” said Zacky as he softly turned my face towards his. “No the beauty you’re looking at is superficial. You only see what’s on the outside. You don’t really know what’s on the inside” I said.

After everything I went threw with Austin I was defiantly not going to go for guys that said I was beautiful. “But I know what’s on the inside” said Zacky as he looked into my eyes. “I know that you’re a kind person, I knew that you like to sew and that you love to cook. I know that you’re sweet and that you don’t play games with people” said Zacky with a smile.

“Anyone who gets to know me in two weeks could say the same” I said still not convinced he wants me for what’s in my heart. “Then I’ll prove it” he said, “Shilo…will you go out with me?” I took a quick intake of breath. “It’s not anything serious. I just want to get to know you. Like starting out as friends and then we’ll see if it goes anywhere from there” he said.

I looked into his eyes he seemed like he was genuine, but so did Austin. “I don’t know” I said with a sigh, I still didn’t know how to trust guys other than Matt. “If I ever do anything you don’t like…then call Matt to beat my ass” he said with a laugh. I laughed at this too. I gave him a final look before I nodded my head. “Yes” yelled Zacky as he threw his arms in the air and hugged me. “But we’ll take it really slow, okay?” I asked he nodded his head too. I smiled at this.

Gena’s P.O.V

I looked everywhere for Zacky but I couldn’t find him. I decided that I’d try upstairs; I walked upstairs slowly in my heels while carrying my drink. Just as I reached the last step I spotted Michelle leaving one of the guest rooms and slamming the door behind her, she looked pissed. “So I’m guessing things didn’t go too well with Mr. Gates?” I questioned as I cocked my head to the side.

“Fuck” she yelled frustrated. “He must be looking for that little virgin bitch” said snarled, I laughed. “You lost your man to a teenage girl?” I asked as I laughed. Just then Michelle snapped at me. “Well little miss ditch, have you found Zacky?” she asked. I shook my head, “he’s around her somewhere” I said. “He could be with her, you know” she said. “What do you mean?” I questioned. “That’s why I called you and told you to come. I didn’t do it out of the goodness of my heart you know. I wanted you to come back so that we could both squash that bitch” she snarled with fury.

“Are you telling me she’s after Zacky?” I asked not getting everything. “No, Brian and Zacky are after her” she said with hatred. “Are you telling me my Zacky’s after a teeny?” I glared at the ground. “Yes” she said as she started making her way down stairs. I quickly followed her. “What are we going to do?” I asked. “Leave it to me” she said as we walked out to Michelle’s car.

Johnny’s P.O.V

Tonight was an eventful party. Gen show’s up and tired to get Zacky back even though when I was watching them have their little conversation he didn’t seem too excited about seeing her. She put him threw hell. Michelle going all bitchy on Brian, I saw him looking for Shilo but then finally gave up and went out to the beach.

Plus Matt caught Jimmy and was about to hit him before Jimmy ran out to the second floor window and jumped out only to land in the pool safely. Matt was pissed at that and just gave up. The party was almost finished and all I wanted to do is go home with Lacey.
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This is an Extra long chapter! So ya I'm doing this thing where i update a story twice then move on to the next one! Please comment this was way more than i usually do but i wanted to do this chapter right for you guys! So....Chya comment!

Over and Out Captain!!!!