Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

Itty Bitty Rev

Shilo’s P.O.V

It’s been a few days since I last saw Zacky and since I started taking care of Brian, Jimmy had been staying over to help too. He and Brian have been talking a lot lately and I think it’s helping Brian. Matt stay’s over a lot too because he didn’t want me to be alone with those two. In his words he said ‘their bad influence on you’. I guess he just worries about me. Jimmy and I have been hanging out a lot over the past few days.

He makes me laugh a lot even when I wanted to cry about what happened with Zacky. Brian and I have been talking too. He had so much baggage of emotions I never knew he had that led up to him taking drugs. We haven’t seen Johnny either in the past few days and we’re starting to wonder where he was. “Hey Shy” I turned my head away from the TV to see Jimmy who was coming down the stairs with a huge smile.

“Yes Mr. Sullivan” I laughed out. Jimmy jumped onto the couch and then leaned his head on my shoulder. “Want to go get some ice cream?” he asked. I haven’t been out of Brian’s house for the past few days and I felt like I needed to get out. “Sure let me just go get my bad” I said as I ran up the stairs. I went to the guest room and grabbed my cell phone and stuffed it into my bag.

Johnny’s P.O.V

“Come on Zack let’s get you cleaned up” I said as I started helping Zacky up from the couch. Ever since he yelled at Shilo all he’s done is get drunk and sleep. He told me everything and I guess I could see why he was angry. I felt sorry for him at first that as until I came back yesterday morning and found him fucking this blond chick. I soon recognized as Gena.

Since yesterday she’s been coming around a lot. I knew that Zacky changed when Shilo came but now he’s just back to his old self. Fucking, drinking and playing guitar are what he does best in life. In a few days after he’s done with his drinking phase he’s be okay again. At least that’s what I can hope.

The others are too busy with Brian to be worried about Zacky and Matt is too pissed to even hear his name. I helped Zacky up the stairs and into bed, “I can take it from here” I turned to see Gena in only a towel and wet from her shower. She had this smug look on her face like she just one this big fucking prize. “Whatever” I said as I left the house. That’s all Zacky needs right now…to get fucked by his crazy ex.

Jimmy’s P.O.V

I have been on cloud nine for the past few days. Brian was going back to his old self that I knew as a kid and Shilo was spending more time with me. I was ordering our ice cream since I remembered that she loved ice cream I decided to take her out as sort of…a date. Not really a date more like spending quality time together. I wanted to know everything about her. And I wanted her to like me, the way I like her. I ordered her mint chocolate chip ice cream and my chocolate one and walked over to her.

She smiled at me “Thanks” she said as we started walking out of the store to the park across the street. “No problem” I said as I smiled at her too. “Shilo, I have to tell you something” I said finally after a comfortable silence. She looked at me expectantly before I took a leap and said what was on my mind. “I like you…and you probably know that…but” before I could say anything else she stopped walking and cut me off. “Jimmy…what you, Brian and Zacky feel are just emotions because you think I’m pretty and to tell you the truth I’m getting sick and tried of trying to tell you guys that. I’m going to say the same thing I told Zacky. Don’t say you love me, when you don’t even know me” she said.

“I didn’t say that I loved you…I said I liked you. And I know that you think that I don’t like you on a deeper level…but I do. I want to get to know you. There’s no pressure” I said trying to ease her into comfort. I wanted her to be comfortable and to trust me. “That’s what Zacky said” she whispered, I saw a tear trace her beautiful rosy cheek. I wiped it away with my finger and turned her face to me.

“How will you ever love and be loved if you don’t take a chance? I promise you that what ever you want to do we’ll do… we’ll take everything at your pace. But what I can’t promise is that we won’t get hurt. That’s the risk that comes with love. And I want to take that risk and I want to take it with you” I said with a smile. She looked away for a minute and then smiled. “So is this a date?” she asked as she looked into my eyes. “We’ll we do have ice cream and we are kind of alone…so ya I guess you could say that” I said as I took her hand in mine.

“So now that we’re casually getting to know each other. Want to play a game?” I asked with a grin. “Sure…what’s the game?” she asked suspiciously. “Well I ask a personal question about you and you have to answer” at this she groaned “and then you get to ask me an equally embarrassing question that I have to answer and then we keep going until we know everything about each other” I said. “Fine” she retorted, “But I go first” she said with an evil smile.

“What is your most embarrassing moment?” I rolled my eyes and groaned. “No ask something else” I said, I really didn’t want to answer. “Hey you wanted to play this” she said with a laugh. And that’s what got me, she laughed. “Fine…it was when I was living in the Laundry mat and I was as naked as the day I was born because all my clothes were dirty and were in the wash and this lady came in and saw me” I said red with embarrassment.

“Awe poor Rev, did she see something itty bitty” she said with a laugh before she ran. It took me a second to realize what she just said before I ran after her. I cornered her by a huge tree as she was laughing her ass off. “Take it back Miss. Sanders” I said trying to sound serious but failed miserably because I was laughing. “Or what?” she came back with. “Or…I…wont show you this little place that I was going to save as a surprise” I said I started to walk away.

“What place?” she came after me. “Oh just a little place you get fresh ingredients for cooking” I said as I pretended to pick at my nail. “Okay, Okay I take it back” she said with a sigh. “Good, now say Jimmy’s a sexy beast” I said with a grin. She laughed as she bumped her hip with mine. I grabbed her in a side hug before she could run away. “You’re lucky I like you so much” she said with a laugh. I am lucky. The day was going just as I hoped…and more than I dreamed.
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Okay so i made this extra long because my computer is working today! Comments please! I haven't been getting that much lately and it hasn't really givin me the edge to write! So comment and I'll update. Thanks to the people who did comment! Oh and if you read Syn and Grim the third part is up.

Over and Out Captain!