Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

Throwing Out The Trash

Shilo’s P.O.V

“Okay…so can I open my eyes now?” I asked, Jimmy made me close my eyes till we got the surprise place that I can get ingredients. And if you cook you’d know just how hard it is to find specific ingredients fresh. It’s the greatest secret to cooking. Fresh ingredients that’s all you need. “No, keep hem closed we’re almost there” said Jimmy as he put his hand over my eyes as an extra barrier to keep me from peeking. Soon enough the car stopped and Jimmy got out of the car.

I heard my door open and felt Jimmy’s hand on my arm. “Okay you can open your eyes now” he said. I opened my eyes and looked at the building in front of me. It was white building and the store that we stood in front of was a Spice Bazaar. It was painted red from the out side and threw the widow I could see piles and piles of ingredients. Jimmy grabbed my hand and dragged me in. The first thing I noticed was the teasing smell of spices in my nose.

A mix of cinnamon and hot peppers were the first I recognized. I looked in awe at the shelves upon shelves of colorful ingredients. Just then I heard a laugh, I turned to see it was Jimmy who was laughing. “What’s so funny?” I asked as I looked at him. “You look like you’ve just seen heaven” he said as we walked threw the aisles. I immediately found things that I needed.

Matt’s P.O.V

We’re supposed to go into the studio tomorrow and I’m freaking out. Brian is still a little out of it and Zacky is M.I.A and Johnny seems to be distracted. Not to mention the fact that Jimmy won’t even leave my sister alone. I figured that I needed to take immediate action and so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m heading over to Zacky’s house now to find him. Then I’m going to track down Johnny and then I’ll have three members of the band ready for tomorrow.

I pulled up to Zacky’s house and got out of my car. I noticed that another car was here that I didn’t recognize. I didn’t bother with knocking I was too pissed off at him. I stalked threw the house and made my way upstairs where I heard moaning. I kicked the door open and with a loud bang it hit the wall behind it. I was beyond pissed. Zacky was here fucking some chick and not giving a damn about anything else in the world. Zacky and the girl to my surprise who was Gena looked at me with shock.

“What the fuck” yelled Zacky as he threw the sheets over the both of them. “You out” I pointed to Gena. “No way” she started but before she could finish I bellowed out with all my anger for her to fuck off. She quickly grabbed some of the sheets and made her way downstairs. “What the fuck Matt where the hell do you get off coming in to my house and telling my girl to get the fuck out” said Zacky as he put on some boxers. Just as he said that I punched him square in the face.

“Where the fuck do you get the hell off making my sister cry? How could you do that to her? And where the hell do you get off risking what we all have worked so hard for? We need to finish recording you asshole but because of you everyone is off whack, we have a fucking deadline to meet and because you couldn’t handle her rejecting you, you throw a whole pussy fit and go crazy. I should knock your skull in but I’m not going to because your one of my best friends. So get off your ass and get in the shower you fucking stink. Then after that you’re going to come home with me because you can’t stay in this dump tonight. I need to keep a fucking eye on you like a babysitter” I yelled at him.

I looked at Zacky, he was crumpled on the floor holding his nose and glaring at the ground. He slowly stood up and walked to the shower. I sighed with relief that I at least managed to do something right.

“Now for the other problem” I said to myself and sighed. I grabbed the clothes off the floor and walked out of his room. I went downstairs to the living room and saw Gena filing her bright pink nails. I threw her clothes at her, “Get out and leave Zack alone” I said with venom.

You can’t tell me what to fucking do Matt. I’m his girlfriend not yours” she said with her bitchy voice. “I said get the fuck out and leave him alone or else I will make you” I said as I grabbed her arm. I pulled her off the couch and threw her out of the door with ease. I slammed the door behind her and locked it. And like that I finished a little spring cleaning by throwing out the trash.
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Right now I'm in a writing drought so please forgive me for not updating. Tell me what you thing of this chapter cause i feel like my writing is crap. Plus my internet sucks and keeps going out. Be patent and comment please! I love all you commenters out there who comment.

Over and Out Captain!!!