Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

I Really Loved Her

Shilo’s P.O.V

“Fuck, I should have never shown you that place” said Jimmy as he struggled to carry in all the spices and other things that I had bought. Since I had made the discover of such as wonderful and magical place that held the freshest ingredients I have ever seen. I had decided to make a six course meal tonight for everyone to show off my amazing cooking skills. I had gotten dill weed for my dip, some Aruguela leaves for salad and fresh garlic for some garlic soup. With much more ingredients.

“Oh come on Jimmy trust me this will all be worth it when you get to taste my hott cooking skills” I said as I carried a bag to Matt’s front door. “ Ha Ha I already know about your hott skills” said Jimmy as he winked. I laughed as I put the bag on the counter in the kitchen. When I tuned around to my surprise I saw Brian walking in. Over the past few days Brian has been better and much more happier. We decided it would be good if he got some fresh air and stayed with Matt and me for a while.

So I decided to cook for everyone in celebration of Brian getting better. “Hey guys” said Brian as he sat at the kitchen table. “What is all of this?” he asked. I gave him a smile, “Well for you of course, I thought we all could use a nice, big, home cooked meal” I said as I started putting everything away while Jimmy went to get the rest of the bags. Seriously we had like twenty of them.

Luckily, I only had to carry one. Ha Ha Ha sometimes I’m just a little evil. Jimmy and I had the greatest day, all day I couldn’t stop smiling. He was so sweet. Just as I was about to walk to the pantry to put away some pasta. I stopped dead in my tracks when I came face to face with Zacky. I seriously don’t need this now. I didn’t even know he was coming. I was stunned and in shock. He too was in shock at seeing me but he looked a little sad and he didn’t exactly look good. His clothes were all messed up and his eyes were blood shot. It looks like he was drinking. His hair was a complete mess, he looked like a broken man.

Zacky’s P.O.V

I stared at her, she looked so beautiful and I looked like crap. I had been doing a lot of thinking since Matt put me in line earlier back at my house. I seriously messed up everything I had going on. She was hurt before and I knew that when I asked her to go out with me and I had every intention of honoring what I told her. That we’d take it slow, that is until the little green monster of jealousy got the better of me. I couldn’t help it. She had called Jimmy instead of me. And she was at Brian’s house taking care of him.

I guess I got a little jealous and hurt. So instead of being patent and waiting I had yelled random shit. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Shy just walked out of the kitchen. I guess she wasn’t ready to talk to me yet. But now that I know I’ve made a mistake I’m going to get her back. I’m going to make it up to her, I know it’ll be hard but I have to try.

Just then Jimmy walked into the kitchen carrying a ton of bags. He smiled as he looked around the kitchen and as he saw it was only me and Brian he frowned. “Hey were did my girl go?” asked Jimmy as he looked in the cupboards. At this I laughed, “What Jimmy got an imaginary girlfriend now?” I asked with a laugh. My first real laugh in days. “No” he said defensively “ Shy is my girl” he said with pride. Just then I felt as if my heart was shattered, like a 16 wheeler had decided to play soccer with my heart. “What do you mean Shy’s your girl?” questioned Brian.

The first time he spoke since I had entered the kitchen. He voiced my thoughts when my mouth and body had failed me. “She and I are kind of together but we’re taking things slow” he said as he started unpacking the tons of bags. He avoided eye contact with both Brian and I. “Since when?” I asked, my voice nothing but a croak. “Well since this afternoon. We went out for ice cream and talked for a while and then spent our whole day together” said Jimmy. I was speech less.

While I was busy fucking Gena being the ass that I was. Jimmy was on a date with Shilo. I quickly got up, I had to go now. I quickly ran up to the guest room I was staying in and locked the door. I breathed heavily as the thought of Shilo not being with me and being with Jimmy instead sunk in. Before I knew it I was crying like a kid. Sobbing, I walked over to the bed and laid down burying my face into the pillow as I let the sobs wrack my body. I didn’t even know how much I really cared for Shilo until this very minute. When I realized that I was heartbroken. I really loved her.

Jimmy’s P.O.V

Shilo and I knew that this was going to be hard on everyone else. At least we knew it was going to be hard to tell people. But we both wanted to give our relationship a try. I was so happy today. Sure for the most part we held hands, and to tell you the truth. I never really held hands with any of my previous girlfriends. We kissed and fucked a lot.

Occasionally we’d touch each other in public but never really held hands like I did with Shilo today. It felt so romantic in a way. It was comfortable and nice. I knew the moment I told Brain and Zacky I had sort of lost them as real friends. I mean sure I love them as my brothers and they still are my friends but hey will resent me for being with Shilo. But it was worth it. The moment Zacky left the kitchen looking like I just shot his puppy. I knew this was going to be difficult.
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Okay it's been a long ass time but here it is finally! I hope you all comment because i want to see how many people actually like and read the story as apposed to the people that only have this on there subscriptions list. Love to all of my faithful readers.

Over and Out Captain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!