Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

Midnight Delight


Zacky’s P.O.V

To say that dinner was awkward would be the biggest understatement of the year. There was so much tension in the air I just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me. Matt , Val and Johnny tried to lighten the mood but it was no use. Although the food was incredible it would have tasted a lot better if everyone was happy. Shilo wouldn’t even look at me the only time she’d look up from her food was when somebody was asking her a question or praising her for her excellent food.

As soon as dinner was finished I quickly ran to my room and locked the door. I didn’t want to deal with anyone tonight. I flopped down on my bed. After a while I turned my head to the side and groaned it was only 8:30. This is going to be a long night. I took out my iphone and started messing around with it having nothing better to do. A few minutes later I got a text from Gina.

God she was the last thing on my mind and the second biggest mistake I’ve done over the past week. The first being mean to Shilo. I quickly turned off my cell and decided that maybe sleep would make time go by faster, make me forget all the heartbreak and messed up things in my life.

Shilo’s P.O.V

I woke with such force I fell off my bed. The dreams are back. The ones that make be cry and awake with sweat over my body. The kind that keep me awake with fear all night, to afraid to go back to sleep. I got up slowly trying to regulate my breathing. “It was just a dream” I kept repeating to myself. Trying to calm my mind and body. I took a deep breath and tried to settle into my bed. After a few moments I realized it was going to be impossible to get back to sleep now. I got up and decided that maybe some warm milk will help me get back to sleep, or at least calm me down. But as I headed down the stairs I kept looking over my shoulder nervously as if my dream was going to come true and snatch me up from my home.

I know, childish but I still couldn’t help it. As I got closer to the kitchen I realized the light was on, meaning somebody was up. I entered the kitchen and to my shock found Zacky sitting at the table. He looked at me in shock, I knew he wasn’t expecting me to walk in at this time of the night. “Hey” he said once he recovered from the shock of seeing me.

“Hi” I said back, I was going to try and be civil with him. “Couldn’t sleep?” Zacky questioned, I shrugged my shoulders. “Bad dream” I said as I went to pull some milk out of the fridge. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I already made some” said Zacky with a small smile. “Why don’t you go is down you look like you’ve had a long night” he said as he led me to the kitchen table. I sat down and watched him head over to the stove where he poured me some warm milk with a little sugar and cinnamon. He came back to the table and set the cup in front of me.

“Thanks” I said right before I took a sip. “Your welcome” he said as he took a sip of his own drink. After that everything went silent and a little awkward “I’m sorry” blurted out Zacky, I looked up at him in surprise. “What?” I questioned not really sure if I heard him right. “I said I’m sorry… for blowing up at you that day at Brian’s. And I’m sorry that I was an asshole to you” he said.

I looked at his face, he looked so sincere and I was never one to hold a grudge against anyone. “I forgive you” I said with a smile, and then the tension in the air eased a bit. “So can we go back to being friends?” Zacky asked with a smile. I smiled back and nodded. “Ya, I miss being friends” I said with a laugh. After I drank my milk I decide that I was going to try and go back to sleep. Tomorrow Jimmy and I are going to the beach.
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I know i haven't updated in like a long ass time but i just started collage and it's a lot harder than i thought it is and i just need some time to write! Plus because of this whole new mibba rules i need some time to edit some stories! Please be patient with me! I'll try and update more! Love to all the people who support this story! I hope you like this update because the next ones going to be juicy. Comment and subscribe if you haven't! LOVE!!!

Over and Out Captain!!!!