Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

Parting of Ways


Shilo’s P.O.V
“Come on Shy, hurry up I want to get to the beach early” squeaked Jimmy from my door as I grabbed my beach bag. “Keep your pants on Jimmy I’m coming” I said with a laugh. Sometimes he was just like a little kid stuck in this tall guys body. “Oh please you dream of me with my pants off” smirked Jimmy. I could only roll my eyes at his statement. Jimmy and I hopped into his car and took a five minute drive to the beach, thankfully it wasn’t far.

As we pulled up we could see many family’s already on the beach having fun. I looked over at Jimmy who was smiling at all the people on the beach. We got our stuff and made our way to a private spot under a tree near the grassy areas of the beach. “The weather is perfect today” I said as I admired the scenery around me. “There’s nowhere in the world like Huntington Beach” Jimmy said with a smile. I took out my sunscreen and started rubbing it all over my arms.

“Want to go swimming now?” asked Jimmy as he started taking off his shirt. My jaw dropped at what I saw. “Man oh man Jimmy what are you albino or something?” I started laughing at Jimmy’s paper white chest. He looked like a white paper stick figure that shined in the California sun. “Hey” said Jimmy awkwardly, “I’m going to get you” he said when he saw me laugh even harder. I couldn’t help it; if his chest looked like that I couldn’t even imagine what his butt would look like?! I’d probably won’t be able to tell if he was wearing tighty whites or not cause of his white ass.

Soon enough after terrorizing the people on the beach with our yelling and running Jimmy finally caught me. We collapsed on the golden sand laughing our asses off at the old ladies who were yelling at us. “God I haven’t had this much fun in a long time” I said with a smile as I looked up at Jimmy. “Ya but I think more than half the people on the beach already hate us” said Jimmy as he looked over his shoulder down the beach at some people who were glaring at us.

At that moment I realized that Jimmy and I were in the sand, on the most beautiful beach, alone and he was on top of me. He must of realized it too when he looked in my eyes. Before I knew it we slowly came together and our lips caught each other in a kiss. It only lasted a second before Jimmy pulled away. I have to say that…..was one of the worst kisses I have ever gotten. It felt like I was kissing my brother…eww it felt like I was kissing Matt not that I’d know because it’s gross. I don’t think it was because Jimmy was bad kisser but I think it was because I don’t have those kinds of feelings for Jimmy.

Jimmy must have felt the same way too because he gave me a sad smile and kissed my forehead. “That was a little disappointing” he said with a sigh. “I’m sorry” I said to Jimmy with a sad smile of my own. “No don’t be, it wasn’t because of you…I guess well it felt like I was kissing a friend not my girlfriend” he said as he scrunched his face up in deep thought. “I feel the same way. Jimmy this isn’t going to hurt our friendship…is it?” I asked him. I guess after the incident with Zacky I didn’t want to hurt any of my friends and I guess that’s why I agreed to date Jimmy.

Jimmy got off me and smiled, “Nothing could ever hurt our friendship Shy. You’re my friend and it’s always going to be that way” he said with a genuine smile. “So are we cool?” asked Jimmy. I laughed and smiled back, “Ya we cool” I said in my gangster voice. “So I guess Zacky won huh?” Jimmy asked with a side smirk. I was confused and I guess it showed on my face because Jimmy laughed.

“Shy, Zacky’s crazy about you and I know you guys would make a great couple. I think I knew all along but was denying it because I wanted you too, just not in the way I thought” said Jimmy with a laugh at the end. “I don’t know Jimmy we only got back to being friends a few hours ago” I said with a sigh as I looked out to the ocean. “When did that happen?” asked Jimmy. “Last night I woke up because of a bad dream I had and went down to the kitchen to get some warm milk and Zacky was there. One thing led to another, he apologized and we were friends again” I explained.

“Well, see I think this was fate. This only means that you guys are meant for each other. You have to give him a second chance Shy” Jimmy said with a pleading tone. “Hey an hour ago you were my boyfriend now you’re trying to get me with your friend? Don’t you have mourning period for our relationship?” I asked with a glare. Jimmy smiled and pounded his chest with his fist, “I bounce back quickly” said Jimmy. I only shook my head and laughed. I had a great friend.
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Okay Jimmy is really white if you've seen pics of him without his shirt and dang is it sexy. So i have college, tutoring and other stuff going on sorry i haven't updated but at least this is something and if you read my other stories updates will be soon. Leave some love and comment. Tell me your thoughts, favorite color, animal, or secret crush in my comments i don't care...but there's 126 of you people out there and i need more comments. If not something bad will happen to a character in the next three chapters.......well i hope i got my point threw.

Over and Out Captain!!!!