Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

Movie nights

Chapter 2

I had been here for two days. Matt had taken me to the mall and got me some stuff and he’s even given me my own allowance. Everything was going good. My room was much bigger than the one I had back in Miami. It had enough space for me to design my clothes and write. My hobbies were my life. I decided that in the future I either wanted to be a writer or a designer.

I even make my own clothes. At the moment I was getting into my Pajamas for a movie night with Matt. It has started to become a tradition that every Friday night was a movie night. We would watch stupid horror movies and laugh when the preppy cheerleader dies first. “Shy get your ass down here I’m about to start the movie” I heard Matt yell up the stairs.

“Coming” I yelled back as I made my way down stairs. I turned off the lights as Matt started the movie. Matt had made a huge bowl of popcorn and set up some candy for us. We sat down as the movie started. After a while Matt spoke. “So I was thinking that you should meet my friends” he said as he looked at me.

I nodded my head. “Sure I’d love to meet them…… but… you think they’d like me?” I asked a little scared. These were the people that had known Matt for his whole life. “They’d love you and not just because you’re my sister too” he said before he pulled me into a hug.


Michelle’s P.O.V

I was driving home from Brian’s house, another night of fun. We’ve had numerous one night stands and I’ve been wondering when he’s going to ask me to be his girlfriend. It was 2 o’clock in the morning and I was beat. I was driving by matt’s house when I saw something strange. Matt’s lights were on.

I thought he was gone. I decided to stop the car and take a look. I got out of the car and silently went to the living room window. I looked in and saw Matt asleep on the couch with some girl on his chest fast asleep. My blood boiled how could he do this to Val after all they’ve been threw? They’ve been together since high school! And now he goes and cheat’s on her? Val has to know about this. I get back into my car and drive off.

Shy’s P.O.V

I was currently in the living room dusting the place since Matt was upstairs writing a new song. I was dancing around the living room listening to Earthquake by Family Force 5. All of a sudden I hear the front door burst open. I see a blond woman and another woman that looks just like her except with brown hair barge in. “You little slut. Get out of here. How could you sleep with a man that has a girlfriend” yelled the blond haired woman. I was terrified who were these people and why were they yelling at me? “She doesn’t even look pretty, what the hell does he see in her anyways. She’s the fucking ugliest girl I have ever seen” said the other.

I didn’t think I was pretty but I didn’t think I was ugly. Tears began to form in my eyes. “Don’t you dare cry bitch” said the Blond and then out of nowhere I feel a stinging sensation on my cheek. The brunette had slapped me. I held my cheek in shock. I heard Matt coming down the stairs. I couldn’t take it, I ran out of the room and past Matt who was running into the room. I heard the front door open and I ran up the stairs.
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Second update today and I'm waiting for some comments!!!!!

Over and Out Captain!!!