Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

I'd Like To Runaway

Shilo’s P.O.V

‘Deep breathes, just breath’, I kept trying to relax because I have finally made a decision and that decision was that I’m going to give Zack a second chance. I really like him and I want him to be a big part of my life. I was currently outside the front door to my house trying to figure out how to initiate a conversation with Zacky, but me being the big chicken that I am have never really gone up to a guy and flirted or tried to ask out a guy. I took another deep breath. I wish I was like Matt he always has the guts to do stuff. What would Matt do in this situation? Well first off Matt wouldn’t be trying to ask out Zacky Vengeance. Secondly he would just go up to Zack and just do it, do it fast, like a band aid. Oh just forget it, I’ll just wing it.

Hopefully it will work out and if not and I’m forever scarred with embarrassment than I guess I could run away to Mexico and change my name to Isabella. The downside is I don’t speak Spanish. I opened the door and walked to the living room hoping for some idea of what to say to Zacky. When I walked into the living room there was Zacky relaxing on the couch watching TV. As soon as I walked in he jumped up, “hey” he said with a smile. “Hi” I said back like an idiot. “Why are you back so soon?” asked Zacky as he sat back down on the couch motioning for me to do the same.

I sat down and faced the TV trying not to look at Zacky in the face because if I do I know I’m not going to be able to talk right. “Oh Jimmy and I kind of decided today was a bust so we just went home” I said. “Why what happened?” pressed Zacky. I shrugged, “Well we sort of broke up” I said awkwardly while I tried to pay attention to what was on TV. Why the hell was it on Sex rehab with Dr.Drew?

Zacky’s P.O.V

Please tell me she just said what I think she just said?! Did she and Jimmy just break up? Well that was the shortest relationship ever…..nope the guys and I have had shorter. I cleared my throat cause at that moment I was afraid my voice would sound a little too pleased with what I just heard. “Why did you guys break up?” I asked. Shilo sighed and leaned back into the soft cushions of the couch.

“We sort of kissed and it wasn’t what we both expected. It was like kissing a friend not a person you want to be with” said Shilo. My heart began to swell with hope. “We decided it was best we just remained friends” she continued as she fidgeted with her cute blue top. At that moment she looked so innocent and sweet. “Oh well, I’m sorry” I said trying to sound sympathetic. She shook her head, “no it’s okay Jimmy and I talked it out and well…” she trailed off. WELL WHAT?! I was screaming in my mind. Before I knew it Shilo had jumped up from the couch all flustered.

“Will you go out with me tomorrow night?” she asked. She was blushing and shy. Before I could even answer she ran off. I jumped up to try and catch up to her. “Shy wait” I said as I managed to catch her around her waist while she was running up the stairs. “YES” I yelled as I pinned her down on the floor with a smile. She asked me out! “I’ll pick you up at 6 and I don’t care what you say because you asked me out and now you can’t take it back” I said with a smug smile.

Shilo’s P.O.V

He was smiling like a mad man and I was shocked that this is the second time today I’ve been pinned to the ground by a good looking guy. “Okay” I squeaked. “What are you two doing?” I looked up and saw Matt with his arms crossed glaring down at Zacky and I. “She asked me out” said Zacky goofily with a smile a mile wide. “So that doesn’t mean you could jump my baby sister. I suggest you get off of her before I kick your ass so hard your grandkids will walk with a limp” said Matt threateningly. Zacky reluctantly got off of me and helped me up.

Matt took two steps forward and stood between me and Zacky. “This is how far I want you two to stay away from each other while you’re in my house. You know what scratch that this is how far I want you two to stay away from each other at all times” said Matt as he kept a good 3 feet between us. “Okay” said Zacky with a sly smile, but Matt caught it. “Don’t even think about it you sick fuck” said Matt as he started walking away.

Zacky rolled his eyes as he grabbed my hand and started leading me back to the living room. “Let’s hang out and talk” said Zacky as he happily pulled me down to sit next to him. “What do you…” before I could even finish that sentence the doorbell rang. I quickly jumped up to see who it is. The person kept ringing the door bell and wouldn’t stop. As I opened the door to scream at whoever it was on the other side I was shocked into silence at who it was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shilo's Outfit
Zacky's Outfit

Okay I really didn't like this chapter but comments would be good. I have seriously lost hope in all my writing abilities. I tired to make it a little longer and put up some good pics of their clothes to make up for not writing in a long time. I'm going to be writing more cause i'm officially on break.

Over and Out Captain!!!!!