Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me


Shilo’s P.O.V

I was in complete shock. There on the other side of the door stood all three of my best friends. Before I could say anything I was tackled down by my favorite twins. Dominic and Derek were hugging me and giving me kisses on my cheeks. “Oh our little sexy thang, we missed you” said Derek dramatically, “Yes my love now we can truly be together” replied Dominic. Derek gave him a confused look, “Sexy threesome?” he questioned Dominic.

His brother just gave him a sad shake of the head, “Sorry bro but I don’t share” said Dominic as he continued to cuddle on my left side while Derek cuddled my right side. All the while this was happening Ann was just standing there laughing her ass off. “I had to bring them with me” she whispered through her laughter. I pushed the twins off of me and got up. As soon as I stood Dominic latched onto my side and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. “

We missed you shy” he said as he put his arm around my side. “What’s going on?” asked Zacky as he looked between Dominic and I. “Oh Zacky these are my friends from Florida” I said with a big smile. God have I missed them, there never used to be so much drama when I was with them. “Oh hi…” said Zacky, okay that was lame. “Who are you?” asked Derek as he eyed Zacky. Zacky was at a loss for words and didn’t know what to say.

“This is Matt’s band mate Zacky” I said with a smile. When the words left my mouth Zacky suddenly became sad. “Cool, well now that we’re here we have to catch up on the last few months” said Derek as he dragged me towards the stairs. “Show us your room Shy” said Dominic as he grabbed my other arm. Ann just followed us up the stairs with a light laugh.

Zacky’s P.O.V

Matt’s band mate? Was that all I was to her? No we haven’t even had our first date yet so we can’t exactly be called a couple yet can we? It still didn’t ease the pain of hurt that went through my heart. Why did her friends have to come at the exact second we were going to start hanging out together? I hate the fact that her two little friends wouldn’t let go of her. They were all over her kissing her and touching her. God I need to get out of this house for a while. Maybe I can ask Matt to meet me at Johnny’s bar to talk. I quickly pulled out my cell phone and called Val’s house, because I knew that would be the only place Matt would be right about now.

It rang a few times before Matt picked up and his voice rang a clear hello. “Don’t you think it’s a little rude to be picking up somebody else’s phone?” I asked him skipping the pleasantries. “No” he answered as if that one word said it all. “Well could you meet me at Johnny’s bar in a little while I need to talk to you?” I asked as I picked at the hole in my jeans. “Ya sure just give me 15 minutes and I’ll be there” said Matt. I quickly thanked him and hung up. I sighed and made my way to the front door with my keys in my hand.
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Hi all! I know it's short but it's meant to be like that! Plus I've finally gotten the push to write again and i hope to be updating a lot more (that's if my psych class doesn't kill me first). I was glad that i got so many comments on my last update that i decided to update this story. Please comment and subscribe! Thanks to everyone who has stayed with the story, i hope your not going to be disappointed with the chapter and i hope you continue to read and comment! Please also give me some tips on how you think i can improve my writing! Until next time,

Over and Out Captain!!!