Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

Fight! or get turned on?

Third Persons P.O.V

As Shilo ran up the stairs, Brian, Zack, Jimmy, Johnny and Lacey barged in just in time to see her run up the stairs with her hands covering her face. Matt ran into the living room to see what all the commotion was about.

As the rest of the band and Lacey followed quickly behind. Michelle had told Brian only an hour before that she was going to go to Val and tell her about the girl. Brian got all the guys together to see what was going to happen. They didn’t even know that Matt was back.

Matt’s P.O.V

I ran into the living room and stared angrily at Val and Michelle I didn’t know what they did but I know that they made Shilo cry. “How could you?” yelled Val. Her face was all red with anger. “How could I what?” I asked not getting what she as saying. “Don’t play stupid. We know that you’ve been cheating on Val with that little slut” said Michelle.

I was outraged calling my little sister a slut when they didn’t even know her was too far for me. “How dare you call her a slut. That girl is in fact my baby sister and what the hell did you do to her?” I yelled outraged. “Oh please Matt you don’t have a sister” said Val. The rest were watching silently.

“Matt you only had one sister and she’s dead” said Zack trying to remind me. “Well if you fucking let me explain you’d know that Dana was switched at birth and that girl who’s name is Shilo that you made cry is actually my real sister” I yelled. “Wait you have a sister?” asked Brian.

“Ya, about a month ago her family died and I went to go get her. She’s going to be living with me until she’s old enough to live on her own” I said. “Wait so she really is your sister?” asked Val with a look of remorse on her face. “Ya, and to think she was worried to meet all of you” I said shaking my head. “Matt…. I’m sorry I didn’t know” she said as she tried to apologies. All of a sudden I heard a boom of thunder outside and it began to rain.

Shilo’s P.O.V

I was on my bed trying to calm down. I could hear people yelling downstairs. I wasn’t really afraid anymore. All of a sudden I heard thunder and heavy rain outside. Then it hit me, I left all my writing outside. All my most important thoughts and stories that I worked hours on this morning were outside in the heavy rain.

I quickly jumped out of bed and sprinted downstairs. I ran past all the people downstairs in the living room and opened the side door. I ran with all my might to the outside table and began gathering all my things. After I grabbed everything, I quickly began to make my way back inside. I closed the door behind me and I turned to see everyone staring at me. I quickly averted my eyes to the ground.

I hated when people stared at me. “Did you get everything?” asked Matt with a little smile. “Ya, I don’t think there’s much damage” I said as I examined my notebooks and papers. “Guys this is my sister Shilo” said Matt with a stern tone. All of a sudden I sneezed, “I’m going to go change” I said as I quickly ran out of there.

Matt’s P.O.V

This is the worst thing that could ever happen. When Shy came in from getting her things outside I saw the looks on the guys faces. It’s the look all guys give my sister. Fortunately or unfortunately Shy is oblivious to the fact that she is Hott. As soon as she came in, in her little shorts and ex-small shirt dripping wet.

I saw the looks on the guy’s faces. I don’t think any of the guys weren’t turned on judging by how tight their pants were. Thankfully she ran off before any of the guys jumped her. Now I love my friends like brothers but there’s a fine line between friend and foe and that line was my sister.
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It's interesting and long! I'm surprised by how many people subscribed and commented to fast! only on 2 chapters! So i updated! Comments are great! I really love this chapter! It was one of my first ideas for the story! So feed back?

Over and Out Captain!!!