Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

Thank god

Jimmy’s P.O.V

After seeing Matt’s sister, we all sat down and turned on the TV. I could see that Matt was angry at Val and Michelle and turned on the TV as an excuse not to talk to them. When I first saw Matt’s sister I think my heart stopped. I had never seen such a beautiful girl before and trust me I’ve seen a lot. She was so small and shy. Ha Ha I guess that goes with her name, Shilo. After a while just sitting there I got the urge to go piss so I got up and went to the upstairs bathroom.

As I was about to turn the corner to the bathroom I saw the door open up and out came Shilo… a towel…..dripping wet. I abruptly stopped in front of her shocked. She too looked shocked to see me. She shyly clung to her towel. “I’m Jimmy” I blurted out all of a sudden. Where the hell did that come from? “I’m Shilo” she said as she blushed and looked down. “Sorry about everything down stairs, it was a big misunderstanding” I said as I giggled. Fuck, I just giggled, I never giggle. Only Zacky giggles.

What the fucks is wrong with me? “I understand I was just hoping to meet you all under better circumstances” she said as she gave me a little smile. “Ya, but at least we can get to know each other now” I said. She smiled, “Ya……well I better go and get dressed” she said as she shyly made her way to her room quickly, and thank god too. If she stayed around any longer she probably would have seen my little problem. I looked down at my pants and sighed. This is going to be hard.

Zacky’s P.O.V

“Where’s Jimmy?” asked Matt as he came back with a beer. He looked around the room for Jimmy. “He went to the bathroom. I’ll go see where he is” I said as I got up. That fucker was up to something. Hmm, hot girl in the house and 5 minutes later Jimmy goes missing; I wonder where he could be?

I went up the stairs and was heading to the bathroom when I stopped dead in my tracks. I heard the sound of music and someone singing. I looked at the guestroom door where the music was coming from. It must be Shilo’s room. The door was cracked open. I curiously looked threw and nearly had a heart attack.

Shilo was dancing around her room singing….in her underwear. I know this officially makes me a peeping tom, but how could I not stare. I know she was Matt’s sister and all, but she was Hott, with a capital H. I was startled when I heard the bathroom door open. I quickly jumped back and made my way towards Jimmy. “Where the hell have you been? Matt’s freaking out” I said as I made my way towards the bathroom quickly. Thank god he didn’t catch me staring or saw my other problem before I closed the bathroom door.

Shilo’s P.O.V

I was so intimidated by Jimmy when I met him. He was so tall compared to my 5’4 stature. I was listening to Milkshake by Goodnight Nurse and getting dressed. The wonders of what a good hot shower can do. I was dancing around while I picked out something to wear.

I decided since I’m not going anywhere I might as well dress comfortably. I put on a bra and underwear and picked out a beige cotton vest that I made. It was one of my favorites. It also had a nice little skirt that went with it. It came to my mid- thigh. It was a really cute outfit. I also put on long socks that came just a little below my skirt. As I sang along to the course of the song I heard a knock at my door.

I turned around to see the girl that had yelled at me earlier. She gave me a little smile “Can I come in?” she asked. I nodded, and continued to brush my hair. She came in and stood next to me. “Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot due to a huge misunderstanding” she said as she looked at me in the mirror.

“You see I didn’t know you were Matt’s sister, all I knew is that you were a girl that is staying with him and I got all crazy without knowing the facts. I’m really sorry about everything” she said to me sadly. I could never stay mad to long at anyone. I smiled to her “its okay I guess you had the right to act crazy” I said as I turned to her. “Good because Matt really seems to love you and I want to get to know you” she said.

I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. I could tell she was shocked but then hugged me back. “Good because the way you acted about Matt I’m pretty sure you love him. I want to get to know you too” I said as I pulled away. “Hey look you didn’t really get to meet anyone downstairs. Why don’t you comedown and hang out with us for a while” she asked. I shrugged because I was shy to meet them all.

I mean actually meet them. She grabbed my hand and took me downstairs. As soon as we reached the living room all eyes turned to us, Matt looked happily at us. Whilst the rest of them just stared at me, “Finally you’ve come out of your cave” said Matt joking. I glared at him. “Okay now that you’re finally dry I can properly introduce you. As you may have met Val my girlfriend, her twin sister Michelle, that’s Brian next to her, the short shit over there is Johnny and the girl next to him is Lacey.

That’s Zacky and that’s Jimmy” he said as he pointed to each person. I was greeted with smiles and hellos. “Ya, I know Shilo she and I go way back” said Jimmy as he rested his hands behind his head. Everyone turned to look at him like he was crazy while I laughed. “Ya like way back to the bathroom” I said as he and I laughed while everyone just looked at us like we were crazy. I am at most times.

All of a sudden my stomach rumbles. “Damn, was that your stomach?” asked Matt with a laugh as he put me in a head lock. “Ya, douche bag now let me go so I can make food” I said as I struggled against him. Damn him and his muscles, I never was coordinated or strong. “Fine I’ll let you go if you make me and everyone else pancakes” he said. I sighed, “Fine” I said. He let me go as I went to the kitchen. I pulled out everything I would need for making pancakes from the fridge. I also pulled out a bowl and the mixer from the cupboard. I started on my search for a pan but couldn’t find one.

Brian’s P.O.V

After Shilo said that she was going to make us all breakfast we all sat down happily. We were all going to get fed, why wouldn’t we be. “Don’t any of you fuckers even think about it” said Matt as he gave us all death glares. We all looked at each other in curiosity as to what we were thinking. “Don’t act stupid I saw the way you all looked at her. One fucking move and your balls will be in a jar” he said. Okay, we couldn't act stupid. We were practically drooling.

When she walked in everyone kind of went into shock. When she came in wet earlier was nothing compared to how Hott she was now. The skirt she wore showed off her legs nicely and those long socks clung to her leg like silk to skin. I quietly got up to get something to drink.

I went into the kitchen and I just stopped like a thief at a jewelry shop. My jaw dropped, it literally dropped at the sight in front of me. Shilo was on her knees and half her body was in the cupboard. “Matt where’s the damn pan?” she yelled from within the cupboard. I couldn't handle it. I ran, all the way to the bathroom. If Matt saw me he’d kill me. Thank god I made it before anyone saw me.
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Okay so this is really long to make up for the past few days! Please comment! I want to know if you like it. I've had alot of stuff going on and i couldn't write!

Over and Out Captain