Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

The Club

Shilo’s P.O.V

After breakfast everyone decided to get home and get ready for tonight. I was starting to warm up to these people my brother calls friends. I think soon enough I could call them my friends although I might never love them the way I did my old friends. “Hey Shy you want to go out for a while just you and me?” asked Matt as he put a hat on.

I gave him a smile and nodded my head. I ran upstairs to put on jeans and a shirt. “Matt can we stop by the fabric store I have a few things I need” I said as I put my shoes on. “Sure we have all day. We’ll be back by 7 to get ready for tonight” he said. I quickly ran down stairs for a day out with my brother.

Matt’s P.O.V

After a long and I mean long day out. Everywhere we went guys would be staring at her. There was this one guy who was even bold enough to try and hit on her. Let’s just say my knuckles hurt and he got the message. Of course Shilo didn’t even notice he was hitting on her and I took the guy to the parking lot.

Other than that it was a fun day with her. She got excited when we went into the fabric store and just started to ramble on about different types of cloth. We went for lunch and a little shopping. It was 7 o’clock and we had to meet everyone in an hour at the club.

Jimmy’s P.O.V

I got to the club a little early so if Shilo and Matt came I’d be the first one to see her and talk to her. I know Brian and Zack are planning something I just don’t know what. We’ve never fought over a girl ever but there was something different about Shilo. As I was thinking about Shilo I saw Brian walk in with Zack, Johnny and Lacy.

They came and sat with me at a table in the VIP section. As the music blared threw the speakers in the club we all ordered our drinks and waited for Matt and Shilo. After talking about our new CD, we finally noticed Matt walking in with Michelle and Val. My heart started to race as I anticipated seeing Shilo. Just then it was like time stopped moving.

Zack’s P.O.V

She was beautiful. Nothing like the plastic girls you see, no she was a natural beauty. She walked in the club with Matt looking like she just came out of a magazine. She was wearing a Hott dress that hugged her every curve. She left her hair down and it bounced with her every step.

What could have only been seconds felt like hours. It was like she was walking in slow motion to us. The rest of the club didn’t exist, it was only her. “Hey guys” smiled Val as she sat next to us. Michelle made her way in and sat next to Brian as I anticipated she would, so far so good. Shilo sat next to Matt smiling. “Oh my god Shy that dress is amazing” said Lacy in awe admiring Shilo’s dress.

“Thanks” said Shilo with a small tint of pink on her cheeks in embarrassment. “Hey guys we came here to party lets drink it up and dance” Said Brian as he tried to escape Michelle’s grasp. We all laughed and drunk our shots, except for Shilo who was too young. Just then Val, Michelle and Lacy dragged Matt, Brian and Johnny to the dance floor leaving Jimmy, Shilo and me.

“So Shilo want to dance?” asked Jimmy quickly before I could say anything. Shilo looked up and smiled, “No thanks Jimmy I’m not really a dancer I think I’ll just sit here” she said as she took a sip of her water. Ha Ha he got shot down, I just need a way to get Shilo alone, even if it’s for a few minutes. It was like my prayers were answered. Amanda the girl Jimmy had a thing with a while back was coming to our table.

“Hey Jimmy” she smiled at him in a sluttish way. I scooted closer to Shilo and grabbed her hand tugging her out of her chair and away from, the table. “We should give them some alone time” I said to Shilo who had a confused look on her face. She looked back and understood what I was talking about. Now was my chance to get her alone. I made my way to the front door and we got out of the club.

“Where are we going?” she asked. I turned to look at her confused face. “I was thinking we’d go and get some ice cream. It didn’t look like you liked the noise much” I said as we walked down the street. “Oh thanks” she said, I looked down and noticed her hand was still in mine. She apparently didn’t notice I was happy things were going my way tonight.

There I just jinxed myself, because just then Jimmy burst out of the club and ran all the way to us. Shilo heard the noise and turned around. When she saw Jimmy she smiled. “Hey Jimmy” she said smiling at him. “Hey where are you guys going?” he asked with a smug smile looking at me. “Oh we were going to go for ice cream want to come?’ she asked with innocence. “Sure” said Jimmy as he began to walk with us to the ice cream store down the street. I inwardly groaned, at how he managed to screw up my perfect night with Shilo.
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I hope you guys like it! COMMENT!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

Over and Out Captain!!!!!!