Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

The Ice Cream Shop

Shilo’s P.O.V

It was really weird. Jimmy, Zacky and I were at the ice cream place eating our ice cream cones in the front and sitting on the chairs outside. They kept staring at me….. Or my ice cream, it was like they wanted to steal it. I just kept eating it; I really do love ice cream. “So is this what you guys do every night?” I asked trying to start the conversation.

I didn’t like long periods of silence. I don’t know why but it took them a few minutes to answer my question it was like they were in a trance or something. “What?” asked Zacky as he realized I spoke. “What do you guys usually do around here?” I asked, “We….” Started Jimmy.

Matt’s P.O.V

Those fuckers! I knew I shouldn’t have gotten up. Val distracted me for one second and they were gone. I saw Zacky lead Shilo outside and I’ve been trying to get out of the stupid club for about 10 minutes. I swear when I get my hands on Jimmy and Zacky they’ll need wheel chairs to get around. “Matt will you just leave them. Zacky and Jimmy won’t hurt Shilo” said Val as she tried to keep up with me.

Suddenly Brian and Johnny are at my side. It was sad but Michelle kept clinging to Brian all night and he keeps trying to get away. Johnny had a huge smile on his face as he followed us silently. “Where the fuck did they go?” yelled Brian as he and I looked around. “There they are” said Val as she pointed to the ice cream shop across the street. I stomped off to go and get them.

“Matt come on be reasonable, they like her, what harm could that do?” she asked as she tried to get me to stop. “Are you in on this?” I asked as I stopped and looked at her and waited to see the lie in her eyes. She narrowed her eyes at me and then I knew I was in deep shit. “Matthew are you actually accusing me of going behind your back to your friends and betraying you?’ she spat as she put her hands on her hips.

“No, but you know how I feel about this” I said as I made my way to the ice cream shop. Once we were close enough I saw Shilo Zack and Jimmy all laughing. “And the guy looks over to me and he’s like ‘well it looked like something to me’” said Shilo and then she laughed along with Jimmy and Zacky. “Wow you know some weird people” said Zacky as he looked at her adoringly. It made me sick. “Hey guys” I said loudly as I shot Jimmy and Zacky death glares. “Hey Matt” said Zacky with a nervous smile.

Brian’s P.O.V

As soon as everyone left our sights Michelle was all over me. She was clinging to me all night. While I was trying to get away from Michelle Jimmy and Zacky took Shilo away. I had planed to spend at least sometime with her tonight. When I saw Matt storm out of the club I followed him.

When we got to the ice cream place I couldn’t help but be jealous. Zacky and Jimmy got to spend time with her and make her laugh. The way she laughed was so infectious it was like turning on a light in a dark room for the first time. This was war. Jimmy and Zacky better be ready, because it’s on.

After finding Shilo Matt and her decided to go home since Matt faked being tired. I watched as he and Shilo drove away. I made my way to my own car sulking. “Hey Bri could you give me a ride home?” asked Michelle from behind me. “Michelle I’m really tired, can’t you get a ride with Val?” I asked as I got into my car. She looked sad, “Sure” she said as she walked away let down. I started my car and drove home.

Matt’s P.O.V

As I drove up to the house and turned off the car, I turned to see Shilo asleep in her seat. A pang of guilt had hit my heart. I didn’t get to see my baby sister grow up, or have the memories I had with my other siblings. She would always be this long lost person that just came into our lives, and I had a feeling she felt like that too.

But I couldn’t deny that I’ve loved her and felt like her big brother the moment I met her. She looked so much like me we could be confused for twins if we were the same age. I got out of the car and picked up Shilo from her sea and carried her inside. I only hope we can make up time with each other and to make all the memories we missed out on.
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I know the past two chapters suck! I don't even like this one because i didn't have enough time but please comment!

Over and Out Captain!!!