Status: R.I.P Jimmy....We'll miss you..

Don't Say You Love Me

A Day Out With The Boys

Shilo’s P.O.V

“Shy I’m going out with Val today; I’ll have my cell phone with me if you need anything. You could just hangout around here if you want” said Matt as he put his shoes on. I was currently watching old reruns of friends in my pajamas eating cereal out of the box. “Mhhhmmm” I mumbled as I kept my eyes on the TV. “I’ll be gone for a few hours okay?” he said as he got up and grabbed his keys.

“Matt? We don’t have any food. Could I go to the grocery store and get everything” I said remembering why I was eating cereal out of the box. We had nothing, Matt was like a vacuum, he ate anything and everything. He gave me a torn look, “I’ll be fine, and I’m just going to go to the store. I promise I’ll have my cell phone” I said as I gave him a pleading look.

He sighed, “Fine, but I’m going to be calling you a lot” he said as he took out a credit card. “Here get everything we need” he said as he handed me the credit card. “Yes sir” I said as I gave him a salute. “Just promise me that’s the only place you’re going to go and then comeback straight home” he said as he gave me a warning look. “Ya sure” I said as I turned my attention back to the TV.

Zacky’s P.O.V

Okay so Matt is out and Shilo’s at home alone, now’s my chance to have some alone time with her without….interferences. After what happened last night I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about Shilo, and how she ate that ice cream, so delicately and innocent. As I drove up to Matt’s street I noticed two familiar cars driving up to the same street. I parked in Matt’s drive way and glared at the cars that pulled up to the driveway.

Just then Matt’s front door opened and there she was, looking just as beautiful as always. Her hair was long and wavy; she wore a long shirt and gypsy skirt. God, how can a girl look this good all the time? She closed the door and turned around just in time to see Brian and Jimmy get out of their cars.

“Hey Shy” I said quickly. “Oh hey Zacky! If you’re looking for Matt he isn’t here” she said as she locked the front door. “Actually I was coming to see you. I thought you could use a tour of Huntington” I said with a smile. “I’m sorry; I’m actually going to the grocery store today. I promised Matt that that was the only place I was going to go today and I’d come straight home” she said with a sad smile.

“Shopping? I’m in” said Brian out of nowhere. “Ya me too, I love shopping for food” joined in Jimmy. If looks could kill those two assholes would be six feet under. “Great I could use the help since the list goes on forever” she said as she looked at the piece of paper in her hand. “Great so lets go” said Brian as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to Matt’s car. I quickly followed and got in to the passenger seat before Brian could get to it. I gave him a smirk as I got in.

Jimmy’s P.O.V

If Zacky and Brian could just kill each other I’d have a chance with Shilo. We entered the store and I grabbed a cart. “Okay so why don’t we start with the fruits and vegetables and then work our way from there” said Shilo as she looked at her list. “So Shilo I heard you’re coming on tour with us. Are you excited?” asked Zacky as he walked next to her.

“Am I ever! I can’t wait; I’ve always wondered what it would be like to go on tour.” She said with a smile as she picked out some fruits. “Why ever dreamt about being a rock star?” said Brian jokingly. She smiled as she nodded her head. “Really? What would you play?” I asked her with wonder.

“Well I’m not really sure, I love playing guitar but I would love to learn drums” she said as she put all the fruits in the cart and started walking over to the fridges. “What?! You play guitar?” asked Zacky with shock. “Yup” she said with a giggle. “And you want to learn drums?” I asked with excitement. “I’d love to learn right now I’m just teaching myself” she said, “Well I could teach you if you want?” I asked. She gave me a big smile, “Really? I’d love that” she said as we continued shopping.

Brian’s P.O.V

Could she be more perfect? She was beautiful, she played guitar, she’s talented and she’s smart. After I learned she could play guitar, it was like the universe was telling me ‘She’s your match!’ I wonder what else we have in common. After about an hour of shopping we paid for everything and left. Time flew by so fast it didn’t even feel like an hour, it felt more like five minutes. This time I managed to sit next to Shilo as we drove to Matt’s house.

“So Shy how about I come by tomorrow and I could teach you some stuff” said Jimmy with a hopeful smile. “Sure that would be great” she said, “How about after that you could play your guitar for me and then we could play together? I’ll bring my guitar.” I said. I couldn’t let Jimmy weasel his way in.

“Seeing as it would only be fair I should come too” said Zacky. “Wow I’m going to be jamming with Avenged sevenfold” she said to her self with a giggle. I sighed as I watched her drive home. I Synyster Gates….. am in love.
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Okay so i feel really guilty because i haven't updated in a while but I'm so busy! I'm trying to update tonight! So comments? Tell me what you think! Good? Bad? Funny?

Over and Out Captain!!!