Killing Relina

A princess of the rhelm Islador, Relina is little more then the beauty and restlessness of the kingdom. The second daughter to be born and the last child, Relina only has an arranged marrige to some old duke of something-or-anouther to look forward to as her future. Uninterested in her pawn like position at her sister's side, Relina thinks nothing of racing out into the night to save the only man she ever loved. Much to her irritation she is forced to bring an arogant stable boy with her. Through a world where knowing and practicing magic is banned, Relina and Zaine find more about themselves and Relina's deadly beautiful sister Isabell then either of them ever thought possible.
  1. Images of the Past
    Memories of long forgotten truths between Roger and Isabelle are revealed.
  2. Relina the Beautiful
    Out of angst of his dream Roger rushes to Relina's side where pieces of their forbidden love are hidden.
  3. The Lying Game
    Roger reveals the truth about his past and his future, a truth that promises to tear Relina's heart apart.
  4. Losing the Battle
    Relina is left within her room to morn Roger, what is this thing that hurts so much to see someone so perfect who is and is not yourself?
  5. Headed to Hell
    Relina makes a mad dash to get out of the castle before anyone is the wiser.