Why Would He Believe in Me?

We'll Take These Feelings To Our Grave's. (2)

We have breakfast in the café then head off. We make good time, Matt driving, very fast, and decide against stopping. My nightfall we are up in Scotland. Once again, it’s breath taxingly cold, but all the same, im kicked out the car to go and check sign post’s every ten minutes to find out if we were going right. Oliver’s friends ‘remote’ lodge proved hard to locate.

Eventually, we found it. It was nearing 4am and we had all been getting at each others throats for the past 2 hours. ‘Grumpy when tired’.

Surprisingly, they’d left the door unlocked for us. We scuttled into the lodge. My legs not working properly from the cold. I think my joints had frozen. The place was dark, and we were all quiet so as not to wake them. They’d left the kitchen light on, so me and Oliver headed in there, finding a note left on the worktop.
‘Hey guys. I had a feeling you might arrive tonight so I though I’d leave this out for you. You are idiots getting lost. We’ve been worried. Well…I have! If you’re here, hope your all okay. Did you bring food? There’s a little in the fridge if not.
For sleeping, there is two doubles and two bunk. Me and Lee have taken one double, Tom is in the other two doors on the left. So either Nic or Oli could join him? Or Matt I guess… Also there I a bunk free, first door on the left.
See you in the morning hopefully! Love Shay ♥ xx’

“Aww, how sweet of her” Oliver purred in his thick accent. We left the kitchen to hear snoring. Poor Matt had zonked out on the sofa. He’d driven almost the whole way here. “Rather than wake him, shall we just take the bunk?”

I nod.

Desperate not to make a noise and wake the other’s, we cant find the toilets or our cases so we have to sleep in our clothes, un-washed. Oli insists on taking the top bunk, and is asleep within seconds, snoring, tossing, turning, muttering. Fucking hell.

Do you ever get it where your soo tired, you just can’t sleep? Well I think that’s what I had. I knew everyone would be getting up soon, and I knew I hadn’t slept well in ages, but I couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t like I had a lot on my mind… Was it just the fact I knew Oliver was above me. Sleeping soundly (well, ish). Just his presence stopped me being able to sleep. Was that it? If so, I was ashamed.
I knew what Tom though of his brother. I mean, they were close, and he loved him. But I knew what he though about the way he treated girls. I’d heard them argue about it before. I knew that if Tom knew the way Oli made me feel, he would probably never speak to me again.

Oliver was not going to ruin this for me!
♠ ♠ ♠
So for the lack of updates. I've had to get my photography portfolio together :/ What do you think ?