Why Would He Believe in Me?

I've Got A Taste For Something.


“Nic! I’m so happy to see you! Get up! It’s 11!”

Is it really 11 already? I can’t have been asleep more than half an hour. I just remember listening to the wind howling all night, and a creepy creaking. And Oli’s heavy breathing…

“Hey Shay” I mumble quietly. I rub my eyes trying to open them, but they fight back. I sit up slowly, and the light fights its way through to my eyelids, making them sting and water a little bit. My body is stiff, as if I hadn’t moved in 20 years.
I see her face, looking at me, expectantly, so a force myself up into a sitting position.

“So, what’ve I missed”

“Oh my god! So much! Lee recorded his guitar parts yesterday. Well some of them. It was awesome! Oh you should of seen him! He’s so talented!”

“Anything that doesn’t involve Lee?” I grin, and she blushes, embarrassed.

I follow her downstairs. All the guys are around the TV with the exception of Oli. I thought I heard a shower running on the way down, so guessed that was him. Tom is the only one that looks up. I begin to smile but a yawn breaks free. I hear him laugh then feel his arms wrap round me. I hug him back, happy for the warmth, the lodge’s heating is nothing to write home about!

“You wanna do something together today?” He whispers into my ear.

I grin into his chest. “Fer sure!”

“K, go get ready!”

I ran upstairs into the room I had slept in and saw Shay had brought my suitcase in, a fact I’d missed this morning when burdened with sleep. I opened it and poured through. To my shock, the clothes were not mine.
I called Shayleigh, and she came into the room.

“Shayleigh, these aren’t mine?” I stressed, scared as to where they’d come from.

“I brought them for you! You need to express yourself through your clothes more! Plus, you soooo need a boyfriend and you weren’t going to get one in what you wore before!”


“No prob!” She grins skipping off before I even have a chance to ask her when she had a chance to buy them! God, she has it too easy with her rich daddy.

I change warily, incase someone came in, into black skinnies and a white t-shirt, the most normal thing there.
Then, Oli comes in, clad only in a towel. Hot Damn!!
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I just brough Suicide Season. Its soo good. Does anyone know what the bit about 1st November 2007 is about? Its kinda scary :/ Hope this was k :)