Why Would He Believe in Me?

Written In Blood.

The next day was the guys last free day before they were going to get down to recording. They wanted to go out, but as soon as woke up, I realized I was practically frozen solid. I slowly pulled my thick blanket tighter around me, my arms still. I laid in bed shivering for a few moments, blinking the sleep from my eyes. Then I slowly swung my legs round. How late to wake up was I? It was perfectly light in the room. I looked at the other bed’s. which to my surprise, were still occupied. So, I checked my phone, on the desk next to my bed. 8am. But it’s light? In October? In Scotland?
So I go over to the window, still shaking, and pull back at the corner of the curtain. Im dazzled by the bright white light that shocks my bleary eyes. As far as I can see, the fields and forest is coated in a thick white snow that’s still falling.

“SNOW!! IT’S SNOWING!” I yell excitedly. There was never snow in America, In-fact, I hadn’t seen snow lie this since I was little!

The snow decided how we were going to spend the day. We all headed into the forest for major snow fights! It didn’t stop falling to after lunch and then started again after dinner. I wore 7 layers when I went out and yet it still sunk through all of them, right down to my underwear.
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Sorry about the lack of updates, i'm away and dont get back til next saturday, I quickly typed this in a cafe but am getting serious evils so can't do any more! Please hold out a bit longer! Theres loads to add when I eventually get home! Sorry!! =/