Why Would He Believe in Me?

Cash in all your chips tonight baby.

After dinner, we drink a load of whiskey, which the boys say will warm us up. For me, it just makes me feel ill and wish I had the will power to decline.
After, I trudged out into the snow, shivering and still wet. For me, although it sounded kinda bitter, the fun of the snow had worn off, five layers of pants ago! It was almost pitch black now in the forest so I stuck near the house, just wandering round the back, hiding amongst the tree’s so I wouldn’t be seen and attacked.

Then, I heard a small snap behind me, I spun round, and just caught a glimpse of a shadow disappearing. I shivered again, feeling the hairs prickling up on my neck. I pushed my hands further into my pockets and carried on, towards the house a little faster, shivering violently.

Then I heard the shuffle again. I froze.

“Hello?” I almost whisper, my voice strained and panicky.

Im greeted with a snowball to the face. It feels like a thousands needles piercing my numb face, which sounds over the top but I was so cold and sleepy it was horrible.
I clutch my face dramatically and buckle forwards.

“Hahaha. Ahh, you alright?” I hear. It was Oli. He had been laughing, but know sounded genuinely worried. I heard him get closer.

What, the mighty Oli Sykes is worried that I can’t handle a little snowball? Ey? We’ll have to see about that!

I bend down more, its so dark, he doesn’t see me scooping up a small mound of snow myself. When I feel him rest a hand on my shoulder, I spring up and launch the snow back into his face.

“Argh! You little BITCH!” He yells.

I take the opportunity and leg it through the forest. I go warily, my arms out slightly in front of me, scared all run straight into a tree.
His foot steps are heavy behind mine, and I can tell he’s close behind. I’m not fast, but I can keep going for a long time, maybe I can ware him out?
His steps slow. Has he given up? Then I feel the sharp cool sensation of slushy ice creep down the collar of my coat.

“Oh my god!” I exclaim spinning round and stopping. He doesn’t see and runs straight into me, knocking us both over. The melting snow soaks through my clothes and I struggle under his weight to get up. “Get off me!” I yell.
I can tell, because his face is so close, he was shocked, and gets straight up.

“Im sorry.” He mumbles.

“No sorry,” My teeth chatter as im filled with guilt at yelling at him, even though the fall was probably all my fault. “Im just real cold, I hate the snow”.

“Oh, then what you doing out here?” He laughs.

“Good question.”

“Here” He holds his arms out for a hug. I hesitate. “Come on, It’s just a hug”.

So I step towards him and he snakes his arms around me.

“God, your frozen.”
I think it’s just because im nervous, I know its only a hug, but even a hug from someone you are falling for feels like the scariest thing known to man. Well, woman.
He rubs my back firmly, which is actually quite warming, and a gently hug him back, resting my head against his chest, so I can feel it slowly rising and falling through his thick coat.

I hardly notice my eyes slowly close, I thinking about Oliver. About his face. It so child-like and innocent, although if you look into his eyes you can see a lot more goes on in his mind than you could ever imagine. I get the feeling he knows a lot more than me, that’s he’s seen and experienced more than most him age.
Then, I’m startled when I come back down to earth, and can feel him, so close to me.

That’s when. Without thinking, I look up and am entranced, into his stare. Then I see it in his eyes. He leans towards me…
♠ ♠ ♠
At Last! Sorry for the miny hiatus :/ Again, any better title ideas ?

Mitch Lucker anyone :D ? lolz