Why Would He Believe in Me?

A Dawn I Though We'd Never See.

I searched around my closet, thankful now that it had been the one thing I’d sorted out. Shay always said I didn’t have many clothes, but I’d never really realized until now.
I dug down, my arms actually starting to ache from shifting all her leftover garments out the way. I may not have enough, but she definitely had too many!

I was getting hot, sitting in the closet not, I wiped my head, actual sweat absorbing into my sleeve. Then, I started to feel dizzy. I swayed forward resting my head against the wardrobe door. My stomach had been in knots ever since I’d laid eyes on Oliver…But this was more than that.

Suddenly, I pegged it into the bathroom and lent over the loo. Shay must of heard because the next thing I know, she’s behind me, holding my hair out the way.

“You alright?” She asks in a worried tone. I just nod feebly in reply, worried if I open my mouth, I’ll be sick again. “Okay, you stay here, I’ll go finish your packing off for you” she offer’s, leaving the room quickly, nosed wrinkled up.

I stay my the toilet, my head rested on the wall next to it. The sick feeling had subsided for the most part but I didn’t want to push it too quickly by getting up, so I closed my eyes and took deep breaths.

I must of drifted off to sleep because there was no way Oli would turn up at my door and ask me to be his girlfriend. I also though it highly un-likely I had just got married…Huhhh ??

“Nic, you ready to go?” I lift my head, a little too quickly, and the room spins a bit and my stomach lurches. It’s just nerves…

We drag our overly packed suitcases along the few block’s it takes to get back to Lee’s house. When we get there, everyone’s already there.
Between the eight of us, we have two average five person cars. Oliver and Matt decide to take the luggage in the fast one, and speed all the way so they get there in time to catch the man before he goes away. They get the faster car.

“Okay, let’s go!” Lee beams, his arms slipping around Shay causing a massive grin on her face.

All it takes is Oli to look over at me and I feel sick again.

“I’m just gonna go to loo before we go!” I announce and hurry back into the house.

As I leave the bathroom, I look at my phone. 5 missed calls, from Shayleigh? Why would she call me when she’s just outsi- why’s there only one car?

“Ello Love. ‘Fraid ya’ stuck with us. There weren’t enough room in the other car” Matt.N announces on my arrival.

“Hurry up! We got a lot of time to make up!” Oliver calls from the car. I feel my stomach lurch again but just squeeze my arm around it and duck into the back of the car.
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Hope it's not getting too boring ! Thank you for reading. Again, any ideas are welcome! lol