I Can't Let Go of This Love

How Far We've Come

Matt POV

“So you have post natal depression?” I asked Kira, she nodded with a weak smile on her face, I sighed before pulling her into a much needed hug. She wrapped her arms around me before glancing up at me.

“I’ve been put on a course of anti-depressions which should help,” he explained. I nodded and kissed her forehead.

“I’ll help in what ever way I can,” I stated before releasing her from our embrace as the kids came running into the kitchen, It had been a week since they had seen their mother. She hugged them once they were in front of her while I left the room to check on Seb, who was wide awake in his cot, waiting for some attention. I lifted him from the cot and headed downstairs. When I enter the kitchen, Kira was playing with October and Brandon at the table. She looked so happy but her smile disappeared when she looked up and saw me with Seb in my arms, she looked away quickly and wiped her eyes before telling the kids to go watch the TV.

I walked closer the her and noticed she was crying, her eyes were puffy as she desperately tried to wipe the tears away.

“Baby don’t cry,” I murmured quietly as I sat next to her.

“It’s so hard, I feel terrible,” she stated as she put her head down on the table. “He didn’t feel like mine, not like when I held Bran or Tobi, I felt a connection when I looked at them.” she sobbed as Seb looked at me in confusion.

“Baby, it isn’t your fault, you have an illness.. But your getting help so just stop crying,” I practically begged as I rubbed her back with my spare hand. “It’s going to take time, but we’ll get through this.” I said before standing and heading to the fridge with Seb. Taking out his bottle, I began to feed him. He gurgled happily as he drank his milk. Looking over at Kira I was surprised to see her looking up at Seb and I, a smile gracing her face as she heard him.
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Sorry about the delay, I want ten comments before I update again. This story is coming to an end soon. Sorry about the shortness of the update.