If You Don't Listen You're Never Going To Learn

The Morning After

The sun gently woke Frank as it caressed his face with its subtle warmth, to his surprise, Gerard was still lying next to him.

" Gerard? It's time to wake up, we have classes in a bit," Frank whispered softly into Gerard's ear.

" Mm, just five more minutes, Frankie?" was Gerard's grumbled reply. When Gerard's voice was deep and rough like it was in the morning, it always made Frank tingle with sexual desire. How could Frank not grant Gerard's simple request of five more minutes?

" Of course Gee, I'll come get you up after my shower, " Frank softly whispered as he crawled out of bed, but Gerard had already fallen back into the comforting world of sleep.

Frank quickly stripped and turn the water faucet to hot, softly stepping inside to be enveloped into the soft arms of steam. He let out a long sigh as the memories of days long past hit him like a bus. His first love which lead to heartbreak, his first time, his best friend's heartbreak when he came out, it all overwhelmed him as he struggled to hold it in like he'd done for years. Slowly, a single tear fell, followed by another, Frank quickly fisted them away and reached for his shampoo, but the tears refused to stop. They began to pour faster till all of Frank's walls came crashing down. He'd never forget Tyler, it'd be impossible. Tyler, his soft lips, warm embrace, laughing blue eyes, his shoulder sweeping lush brown hair, his ivory skin only marked by a dancing line of freckles splashed across his nose. Frank slid down the wall of the shower, his least favorite memory played over again and again in his head : the phone call.