Shots of Hope


I love him. I told myself as i was sitting in my room trying to figure out how to tell him.
You probably dont know who "him" is exactly so ill tell you.

"him" as in we've been best friends and neighboor since 4th grade.
"him" as in he went on tour, promising to call everyday and promising not to forget me.
"him" as in Brendon Urie.
"him" keeping his promises to me, and now its my turn to keep my promise to him as i accidently mentioned to him one night about this guy that i was starting to fall for.
I dint know why i tild him or why it came out it just did, and i instintly regretted it afterwards because he wanted to know. So i promised him that i would tell him when he got back. In oh say about 4 hours.
And now im sitting and waiting for him to come, waiting for that dreaded question that i know hes gunna ask, and waiting to get it over with. All feel right now is fear and nervousness.
Well heres hoping to the he wont freak out on me.

_A While Later_

I was on the couch anxiously awaiting for his return any minute now.
I cant describe how i feel right now.

"Knock Knock"

There it was. He was finally here and i couldnt move. I just froze up.

After i got over the fact that this was going to happen i slowly i made my way to the door and opened it up to him.
There he stood, him and all his glory. I had almost forgotten how much i missed him, and missed the way he smiled when he saw me.

"Lily I missed you soooo much" he said as he engulfed me in a hug. I couldnt help but smile as i wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. I missed the way he felt and the warmth that came off him.

"Bren i missed you too" i said as i let go and let him in. He instintly went to the couch and crashed down.
I just sat on the end and stared at him.

"So..How was the tour?" He opend his eyes to look at me and smiled.

"It was good. really long though, but im glad that im home now." He said as he got up to sit by me. We just looked at each other.

"well thats good, plus im glad your home." i smiled at him.

Then it came.

"So who is this mystery guy that you promised to tell me about"

I instintly felt my face burn up and i looked down at the floor.

""I stumbled on my words trying to get them out.I was just so nervous as to what he was going to say.

"its ok you can tell me" he said reassuringly.

'it was now or never' i thought.

"" i whispered lightly.


I looked up at him. "i said it was.. you"

His eyes got big.He looked like he was deep in thought, and i sat while seconds ticked by and i waited for a response.
Finally realizing i wasn't going to get one i started to get up to leave.

"no no wait.." as he grabbed my arm and sat me back down.

I just looked at the ground wondering why i even said anything, ' i was so stupid' i thought to myself.
Then i felt his finger lifting my chin up to look at him with a smile on his face.

"i glad you told me that." he said happily.

"what? why?"i asked shocked.

'becasue now i can do this" and then he crashed his lips into mine.All i could do was sit there in shock, after realizing what he was doing i relaxed a little bit and wrapped my arms around his neck.

After a while he pulled away and put his forehead on to mine and we just looked at each others eyes smiling happily at each other.

Things seem to have worked out better than what i had thought.