Shots of Hope

Promise Kept

It hadn’t gotten any eaiser for me over the past year. Knowing that he was such a long ways away and I had not way of knowing if he was ok or not.

The letters I get from him I cherish each and everyone, that the only thing I have to remind me that he is doing ok.

I sit everyday just watching the T.V. to know if I can see some glimpse of hope of him coming back, coming home to me, just so I can hold him all night.

That night he left broke me in more ways than one.


“What do you mean you have to? Your life is here with me.” Tears were pouring down my eyes.
The man I loved just told me he had to go over to the war zone. To serve his purpose knowing that he can save lifes. That’s what I loved about him, but I just didn’t think it would come this fast.

I clung to him not wanting to let him go. I had no I dea if I was going to see him again or not. Not knowing if I was ever goin to hold him or kiss him or just knowing that he was going to be here with me and grow old with me.

“Don’t worry. I promise that I will return to you no matter what happens. I will always and forever love you.” With that he kissed me and turned to leave.

End Flashback

Like everynight I was watching the news when it just turned into my fear coming true.

“It seems that we had just gotten news that a suicide bomber had attacked the base camp of where 3 units of our troops were stantioned. Right now we do not have any information on who if anyone was injured and how substancle the damage is. Stay tuned for further notice”

How? Why? That’s all I could think of. Tears came down mymy face like a waterfall hoping and prying that he wasent one of them, one of the ones that might have gotten injured. I sat in that same positioned all night long waiting for more news, but none ever came.

It had been 4 days since that fatal day. I had yet to recive any information and the news was not any help. They still had no clue has to who was injured or what the damage was. I got little sleep knowing that I knew nothing aboutt he situation. Though when I did sleep it wasn’t very long or very good. All I could think of was him, and what was possiable happining over there.

As I lay just staring at my ceiling of our room, I couldnt help but here something going on in the living room.

Slowly but surely I made my was out of bed and out the door. It sounded as if someone was trying to get in to the house and their attempts were obviously failing. Out of curiosity I walked slowly to the door and just decided to look through that little whole that’s on the door.

At first I didn’t see anything but the back of a figure in the distance. It looked like it was talking to someone or something. But as I pushed my face closer to the door I realized that there was a yellow cab outside and that passenger was the one talking.

Out of more curoisty and alittle bit of hope I opened the door to get a better, to my surprise the man heard me coming out. I saw as he turned around and started to walk to me. I couldn’t help but feel my eyes widen at the image that was walking to me. The sihouette of the man coming into view, the ocean blue eyes that I loved more than anthing, the buzz cut hair that made his face more handsome than anyone else.

I instianly broke into a run torwards this man that I worried about everyday for a year and hoped and prayed that he would someday return safely to me.

I wrapped my arms tightly around this man that I loved more than anywords could describe, tears came down out of happiness and joy to have him here.

“I was so worried about you.” I confessed quietly to him.

He pulled my face to his and kissed me. Something I have been waiting for and loved and missed at the sametime.

“I promised that I would return not matter what.”
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