Inside That Cave You Call a Chest

chapter one

Gerard’s P.O.V
this was the place, I was sure of it; I had studied the directions every night for nearly two weeks now. But if this was definitely the place then why wasn’t he here? The ransom note had been practically a riddle but I had managed to work it out

I turned my back to the trees and licked my fangs, I was getting hungry, Then, without warning a warm hand wrapped its self around my mouth, the sent of raw meet and dried blood made me gag
“Hello Gerard how are you today? I’m glad you came, if you had chose not to there might have been some…..unfortunate circumstances”. The man holding me coldly gestured with his hand and almost immediately two shadows emerged from the trees. In just the moonlight I could only make out the outline of the two figures but he could tell there was a man and a woman as they moved closer the eerie light shone on there faces I could now, with horror, see who these two mysterious figures were.

The arm released me and walked over to the man and woman. “I’m sure you remember lottie, but make any wrong moves and pretty soon lottie over here” he stroked her cheek threateningly “ will soon just be a memory” he violently swung her round and produced a stake that was practically dripping with silver
“You touch her and I swear I’ll….”
“You’ll what... kill me? I doubt it” with another hand gesture the trees started to shake, I looked round and found I was completely surrounded by guards with nasty looking guns
“Each one of my friends here has guns loaded with silver bullets one wrong move and POP! Goes your head and then I get the joy of watching your skin slowly and painfully burn away and leave behind a trail of your ashy remains. Beats Coronation Street hands down.”
His words never bothered me yet his sarcasm managed to stab trough me like a knife
I brushed my long black hair over my eye and looked down at my pale skinned hands
Would I be able to take them all? Would they kill her as soon as I did so much as breathe?
“I thought that would get you to shut up now you do what I tell you or your beloved fiancée will become a bullet riddled corpse”
“You Bastard you werewolves were all the same ! you think the world belongs to you! well it doesnt were share it with everyone! ”
“Id be careful if I were you Gerard, I know what you are and I know your kinds’ weaknesses so if you don’t be helpful there’s a whole army of werewolves just waiting to steak you with silver and watch the skin tear off your bones and feast on your remains”
The man licked his lips
“Just looking at you I can tell you would make a delicious appetiser and for main course your pretty little vampire slut of a fiancée”
He licked her face

Bert’s P.O.V

I loved toying with there minds and this guy was no exception
“Just looking at you I can tell you would make a delicious appetiser and for main course your pretty little vampire slut of a fiancée”
I licked her face
I watched his feeble attempt to seem strong; this guy never knew the full extent of his power, another fatal vampire flaw. They try to hide the truth instead of just embracing it like we did
An agonising scream snapped me out of my thoughts I looked across at Gerard, his feeble scared look had transformed into a winning half smile and he was grasping one of my men’s guns, just at his feet was the corpse of a were-wolf soldier with a bullet hole penetrating his skull, he knew how to move at high speeds but then again that was basic vampire skill
“Quinn ! Take my cloak, don’t let her go.”
My personal assistant took it and led the girl aside, they knew what was coming and they knew it was gunna be nasty.
I locked eyes with Gerard; the fun had only just started…

ill probably need characthers at some point but right now i just want opinions please xD