Inside That Cave You Call a Chest

Chapter Two

Gerard’s P.O.V
I Thought I Could Take Them All , I Can Destroy Hundreds Of Enemy Vampires at any one time, But Id never Faced 15 Werewolves before, I Remember Bert Before He Changed , He Was Loving And Caring….Funny too, But He Chose The Wrong Path, were both what people would call Hybrids, A mix of both kinds… My father was a werewolf, my mother a vampire… same with Bert, our parents were dead against the war and hatred between our two kinds, and with that they fell in-love, the counsels of both sides at least agreed on one thing; Our Parents would be banished to another realm. One were our address would be unknown, Our information was “accidentally” leaked to the public on both sides, Our parents were Murdered 11 years ago, Just before they were murdered me and Bert were given a choice, Vampire Or Werewolf if we refused to choose we would be murdered, Bert was persuaded with promises of fame and glory to join there side, look at him now, I picked the vampire path, Although I knew Bert Had changed I was unprepared for what was going to happen next

Bert’s P.O.V
This was it…. My favourite part….I watched his face transfix in horror as my eyes changed red and a strong wind started to howl, Long Black hairs started to protrude from my skin and my clothes burst of my body , my nose grew into a snout and my sense of smell increased, so much so I could smell his own fear I could tell by his face he had never seen a true were wolf transformation Yet …oh well first time for everything …enough with the fun now …lets get serious without warning I sprung forward knocking Gerard over by surprise , then lying on top of him I slashed his face leaving three deep mark going across his face, hearing his screams of pain as I did so . I leant down ready to rip his throat out when something flashed in my mind


Bullies: Ha look at him Just sitting there crying, the stupid little emo kid
Bert: Look …P-Please… Leave me alone…
Bullies: What are you going to do …? Go cry to your mummy? Oh yeah you don’t have one HA HA
“Hey leave him alone, Go pick on someone your own size you cowards
The bullies ran away
“G-Gerard ….you helped me…”
“Yeah it was nothing don’t worry about it… come to my place… me and my grandma will fix your grazes and stuff….. Her names Elena”

Then suddenly I was back in the forest... Staring into the same little boys eyes I had done all those years ago …only know he was bigger… More grown up …and now covered in blood…I couldn’t do this
… Not to him….

Lottie’s P.O.V
It was such a strange sight… seeing Bert on top of Gerard… not moving …he should be killing him surely …I had to do something. Anything to help Gerard... I seen the knife on the belt of the dead werewolf Gerard slew earliar...i had an idea…