Inside That Cave You Call a Chest

chapter 6

Gerards P.O.V

Its been two weeks since I was found lying unconscious on the forest floor by a passer-by, after waking up in hospital 2 days later with two police officers at the foot of my bed, turns out they had broken into berts flat after he failed to pay rent 3 weeks on the run, they found his lifeless body lying across his bed, he was bleeding from both his wrists , slumped on a chair was also Lottie, her throat ripped apart so forcefully that bert must have used some kind of weapon , I knew better though, it was his fault although a note was found on his body it made little sense

“I’m sorry Gerard, I didn’t have a choice, find RT, the master, he’s closer than you
Think x”

I looked down at the two graves lying side by side and let a solitary tear slip down my already wet cheek, a comforting arm wrapped round my shoulder, I turned to see mikeys solomn face staring down at the marble slabs,

‘Here lies the body of the beloved Lottie Roberts, She shall be missed by all who knew her, Love is a red rose on your coffin door xx’

I placed a single black rose in front of the grave stone and placed one more on the grave next to hers…Berts...
“Mikey, why don’t you go? Don’t stay with a monster like me…”
“Gerard you know that’s not true, bite me, so I can be like you”
“No, im not putting you through this , now please, leave me,”

Obediently he left, walking over to the rest of my band mates
“Don’t be so hard on him, hes only trying to help you ,”
I spun round, instantly recognizing the voice, my jaw opened as a stared in shock at te figure standing infront of me, she was back…


this sucks... i think im gunna abandon this story ... what do you think?