A vampires cold love

Wall wood forest

"That's a horrible dream!No wonder you went crazy!Damn!I would've killed myself!"Jessi said almost yelling.
I gave him a 'don't say that!' look.
"Oh I'm just joking I swear!"He reassured me.
"What if the dream really is true!"Casey asked putting his hand to his neck.
"It won't!"I yelled standing up."I won't let it!"
"Me either!"Jamie said standing at my side.
'But all my dreams have come true!"I thought to myself.
"They have?"Jamie asked me aloud.
"How'd you hear that?"I asked.
"I'm a vampire,I can hear alot of things."He said.
"Yeah,but no one else said anything about it."I said.
"About what?"Casey and Jessi chorused.
"See?"I asked Jamie.
"Well,I don't know what to say?"He said."How can they not hear you,but I can?"
"What are you two talking about?"Jessi asked annoyed.
"Jamie heard what I was thinking,and you guys didn't!"I explained.
"Why is that important right now?"Casey asked.
"Because it's odd."I said.
"But that's not important at the moment,what about your dream?"Casey said.
"Or dreams."Jamie said under his breath.
I elbowed him in the ribs.He yelped and shut up.
"Where do you think Dan is.I mean he could be here right now."Jessi said looking around.
"Okay wait!You think Jamie can only hear your thoughts?"Charley asked.
"Stop!Silence!Listen."Jessi said.
Every one became quiet and listened to what Jessi had to say.
"We need to find Dan and kill him!"Jessi started to get exited."And the problem'll be solved."
"Well that was a no brainer."Casey said."But how?"
At that point I got a pulling feeling in my gut.It was like I knew what I was doing.And the it hit me.I had an ideal.
"Hey uncle Charley,do you have anything that Dan touched lately,that you didn't after he did?"I asked.
He looked at me curiously and pointed to a box.
"A tissue box?"I asked.
"Yeah.He came when he told me about the plan with you and,and got a tissue.I haven't had a need to touch it sense."He said.
I grabbed it and my whole hand began to glow.I had his trace in my mind.
"I got it.He's in Wall Wood Forest.I think in Ohio?"I said.
"How do you know?"Jessi asked.
"Because I have his trace.Now fly me there."I said.
"I'm going with you-"Charley said but stopped when we gave him a confused look."Just incase you get hurt or something.I know my brother,I'll help."
"Okay!"Jamie said.

We flew for like a half hour and I could see if he moved or not.I could feel it.He moved deeper into the forest.I was curious as to of what he was doing.We spotted him getting a drink from a spring.Slowly I got lowered down to the ground ten yards away from him.He shot up and looked my way.I was hiding behind a bush.
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not done yet