Changed by Sunrise

A Gut Feeling

Chapter 8


I stood in front of my full length mirror in the bathroom adjusting my tie and smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles in my cloak. Dumbledore decided to have Christmas ball, sort of like the Yule Ball, and I had to look my best. Although Pansy annoys the living crap out of me, she comes from a prestigious family and that automatically made her my date for the evening.

‘What about Edgeworth?” you may ask.

Well, he felt that because this Ball required many working hands that he should take a role as a teacher rather then a student. I heard that he put together a hell of an entertainment for the night. There have even been rumors that he booked the Weird Sisters to play. Not only that, but I also heard that Edgeworth was going to perform himself. I’m not sure what exactly he was going to do, nor if there was any truth behind this rumor at all. All I can do is wait.

Remember those changes I was supposed to go through? Yeah, well, I think they’ve started. At least, the enhanced senses. I nearly fainted in Herbology the other day because of the odor leaking out from one of the many strange plants in the greenhouse. Edgeworth did nothing that class period but to smile and say, “You’ll get used to it”. Bah, like that was any help. But, on the bright side, I’ve been the top student in his classes. When he pairs us up to do hand-to-hand combat, I always come out the winner. I never had much strength, but my increased agility let me escape from dangerously close punches, kicks, and jabs. Eventually, my opponent would tire out and give me a chance to strike.

Even though I had won every fight, Edgeworth insisted on building up my strength. We would move the furniture in the living room and spar for an hour or so every other night. It was all going pretty smoothly until one night when I became introduced to vampire-mate skin-to-skin contact


“Now, Draco, I’m going to come after you and you have to be able to block my attacks, not run away from them. Got it? No dodging. Just use your arms and legs to block yourself. Also, now that your natural talents have increased, I will no longer be holding back my speed.”

Before I could even take my fighting stance, Edgeworth attacked. He used his limbs as if he was using a fencing sword. Short jabs, and utterly accurate. I lost count on how many times I was hit and each and every hit hurt. Even with a protective spell that was supposed to keep you from getting physically hurt, I still felt the impact of each strike.

I tried blocking, but it was useless. Once I lifted my arm up to shield my chest, he knocked it back down. It didn’t even look like he was really trying to attack. “Come on! Put some effort into it!” he yelled as he continued to jab me and knock me back. Suddenly the skin on my left arm was covered in indescribable pain. It felt like someone was poking heated rods through my skin.

I grasped my arm and walked backwards until I hit the wall and slid down. Sitting Indian style, I examined my arm. It was red, the type of red that you see on a rash that you can’t stop scratching. Edgeworth came over and knelt besides me to examine it.

“I am sorry, Little One. It seems that I did not do a good job covering my arms,” he apologized, “Here, let me see.”

He took off the glove of his right hand and received my arm in his left. Laying his ungloved hand on the redness, he murmured some words that were unknown to me and his hand began to emit a green glow. When the glowing died, the pain and redness was gone.

“Thanks . . . what was that anyway? I mean, how the hell did that happen to my arm?!” I just had to ask.

“Remember that skin-to-skin contact I told you about? Well, since I didn’t hold back and I meant to attack you, it caused pain. It seems that my sleeves weren’t completely covering my arms when I went to jab at you.”

“Wait, so every time you want to touch me, this will happen?” Holy crap! And this guy was supposed to be my ‘soul mate’!

“No. I don’t know if you remember, but I also said that my touch can also cause pleasure. Pleasure will always occur more then pain, I assure you. I would never want to hurt you intentionally.” He looked into my eyes and put his ungloved hand on my cheek.

I could feel the heat radiating from his palm and it made me want to fall asleep where I sat. Edgeworth started to stroke my cheek with his fingertips and the action made my body shudder with, although I hate to admit it, pleasure.

“Now come,” Edgeworth began and stood up, “Let’s finish this training session and go to dinner.”

End Flashback

After that day, I don’t think I’ve ever doubted that I was to be Edgeworth’s mate. Now, mind you, I never said that I liked it. In fact, I despised the idea all together. Can you just imagine the ridicule I’ll have to go through when other people find out about this? Oh Merlin, I don’t want to think what my father would do. Being disowned will be the least of my worries.

I sighed heavily, taking one last look in the mirror. Something tells me (a gut feeling almost) that something unusual is going to happen tonight. I don’t know what, but I can almost completely assure you that it involves Edgeworth Serpentine.

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yes, i realize that this was a piece of utter crap. i just needed some kind of filler between the last chapter and the next (which will be pretty cool, if i dont say so myself). i hope this helped clear up the whole pain/pleasure thing at least.

so yeah, support me and R&R :D;