The Raven Tales


Everybody's a Little Bit Racist- Avenue Q

Strawhats and Titans together


“Luffy? May I ask you a question?”

“Yeah! Sure!” Luffy turned around from his food, fork still in hand, to face Starfire.

“You of the Asian decent, correct?”

“Mmhmm,” he mumbled while chewing on a piece of steak.

“Would you happen to have any of the rice that I may borrow for a new food dish I wish to try?”

This made Robin turn around from a map of the city he was scanning for the past hour or so. “Starfire! That’s racist!”

“Racist? Please, what does it mean that I am being racist?”

“It means that you are a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.”

Starfire gasped and covered her mouth, “I . . . I did not know. . .”

“Well, all that matters is that you know now. Racism is horrible and it leads to things like hate crimes!” Robin huffed angrily.

“Yo, take it easy, man,” Cyborg intervened, “It’s not such a big deal. I mean, come on, everyone’s a little bit racist sometimes. I call Beast Boy a grass-stain, but that doesn’t mean I hate green people. BB also happens to tell hundreds of black jokes, but you don’t see me complaining.”

“Well, I’m not racist at all. It’s morally wrong!”

Raven snorted, “Sure, Robin, you’re not racist," her voice was thick with sarcasm, "So I guess not wanting to talk to Zoro because you thought he was an illegal immigrant from Mexico looking for a job doesn’t make you racist?”

“. . . . .”

“Or how about when you didn’t want to accept Cyborg as a Titan because he was black and wore sweats and baggy clothes and talked in slang? You thought he was just another delinquent. Oh, I almost forgot that you also thought--”

“Enough! I get it! Fine, I guess even the best of us can be a little bit racist.”