Sequel: Let's Fade Away

You Shine Brighter Than Anyone

Chapter 9

I ran my hands through my hair. Of course Mason was downstairs with all the band geeks so I was alone. I picked up my phone for the first time in forever and decided to text my girly friends, Hannah, Nikki, and Kayla.
‘Hey Blaire!’ Nikki sent. I waited a couple minutes, and Kayla said she was packing to come visit and that Hannah was packing because William is flying her here, so me and Nikki were loners.
‘Hey-you aren’t coming here?’
‘Do you want me to drive up there?’ Nikki lived just 30 minutes away.
‘If you want-Mason’s down with The Maine, Panic, and Bryan. I’m bored.’
‘Okay, gimme 10. I’m just down the road visiting my stupid cousins.’
‘Kay-love ya sista from anotha mista!’ I sent laughing. Her cousins were stupid.
‘Love ya. :]’ she sent back. I sat my phone down and walked into the lounge, laying down on the couch. I then decided it would be smart to change and wash my face. I picked up my phone and walked up the stairs to my room. I changed into shorts and a tank top. The shorts came down to about the tips of my fingers, so, they were semi-short? I don’t know. Ha. I brushed through my hair, knocking loose dough to the ground then washed my face. I wiped water off of my face and my phone sounded. It was ‘Decode’ by Paramore, which I recently set as Mason’s ‘text tone’.
‘Hey Blairey :]. I’m bored and your brother is scaring me.’ He sent.
‘Hey Teddy-Bear :]]. Eh, when is he not scary?’ I sent back. I started to walk out of my bathroom, into my walk-in closet, into my room, and down the stairs.
‘I don’t know, really. Lol, so what are you doing?’
‘I’m waiting for Nikki. :]’
‘How’s she coming so quick?’
‘She lives down the road, and I wanted to surprise B-den too.’
‘Aw, you’re so sweet to him. When do I get a surprise ;D’
‘You perv. xD’
‘You still love me though, right?’
‘How could I not love you? Wait, is this Mason Tyler Musso?’
‘Okay then, yes I love you. You have my heart.’
‘Sweet :]] I love you too Blaire Faith Donahue. You have my heart, unlike my Momma.’ I just about burst out on the floor laughing. He never said ‘Momma’.
‘Hehe x] When will you be done with the band geeks?’
‘Soon. The Maine is playing a bit for us.’
‘Sweet, can I come downnn? Pweaseee.’
‘Okayyyyy. :]’
‘I’ll be down in a sec.’
I went to the stairs to the basement and slid down the railing. I landed and walked over to Mason and sat on his lap. He laughed/jumped and pulled me back towards him, kissing my cheek and tapping his foot to the music. I looked up at him and he made a goofy face, causing me to laugh. He smiled and pecked my lips, causing Bryan to look over from his chair and smile, then turn back to The Maine, who was behind the glass that had soundproof walls, and Mason handed me a pair of headphones for me to listen. I rested my head back and put my head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped an arm around me and gently kissed my neck. The Maine was playing ‘You Left Me’ and I smiled. Brendon heard the doorbell ring, and since he was being very sweet at the moment and went up the stairs, to answer the door.

Brendon’s POV

Aw. Look at how cute Blaire and Mason are. I swear, I love watching them. It makes me wish Nikki was here. Yes, we’re still together, no she isn’t dead. I walked up the stairs after hearing the doorbell ring, not wanting to make Blaire or Mason get up. I went to the door and opened it to see Nikki standing there, a surprised look came on both of our faces. She smiled and hugged me. I hugged back and crashed my lips to hers. We then went to the guest room that belonged to me and we acted all couple-ish and talked about what we’d done since the end of tour. I love her.

Blaire’s POV

The Maine finished, but Mason and I didn’t notice, and we still were sneaking kisses and cuddling. Pat came over and stretched the headphones out, then let go, making them snap to my head. I took them off and tossed them to Bryan. Mason did the same, laughing. I pouted and he pecked my lips. Just then Kayla came down the stairs, and Bryan’s once sad face became elated. I smiled as Bryan got up and ran to Kayla, pressing his face in her hair, and they went into Bryan’s room to catch up. Bryan wasn’t allowed any funny business until marriage, same for me, because even if my parents were dead, we still respected their rules. Ya know, except the ‘no boys or girls in your room after 8pm’ because, I don’t know. Mason wasn’t just a boy. He was, the one. And I know all girls say that, but I said it and meant it. My parent’s would’ve loved him. Bryan loves him. But oh what’s this? Bryan’s opinion didn’t matter unless he marries before me. If he doesn’t, my uncle and aunt have to approve. Great. Bryan, tie the knot already.