Kidnap My Affection


“Did you hear about the new girl?” Stefan asked me on the way to Arithmetic. I shook my head.

“No, is she stunningly attractive?”

“On the contrary, I heard she’s hideous!” I shuddered at the though. Purcell would never let a hideous student into its doors, unless she was extremely talented.


My fingers tapped against the wooden desk to the tune of the all too familiar Étude in C minor, Op. 10, No. 12. Drowned in my world of music, my chin rested on my left hand, while the right tapped away.

“Class, I would like you to meet our new student from New York City. Ms Mina Beckhusen,” Mrs. Shuter’s voice awakened me from my reverie and I glanced to the door where she and the new student stood. Mrs. Shuter’s long and slender figure was a great contrast to the girl’s more sturdy appearance. Her glasses which magnified her eyes by at least two times rested on the end of her nose. With all those layers of wooly clothing, she looked more like a rainbow-colored sheep than the pathetic excuse of a human she was. Her frizzy brown hair served only to mollify her appearance, and yet, there was something about her face that caught my attention— her eyes were soft and kind and… looking right at me. I scoffed and turned to face the window. She was just another one of those girls, and not a very attractive one at that.

To my horror, Mrs. Shuter directed the girl to the empty seat behind me. Stefan leant away as she walked past, tripping over her own two feet and stumbling into her seat. She let out a little sigh and opened her book.

“Something,” Stefan said, “smells funny…” It was always his call to torment new students in the school – at least, until I made him stop. The girl glared at him, I laughed and wrinkled my nose. Of course, I didn’t smell anything, wrong, with the girl. She actually smelled like lavender and soap, it was a relaxing smell, but for the sake of good fun, I allowed Stefan to continue tormenting the poor girl till the end of the lesson. The school bell chimed for lunch period.

“I’m starved,” Stefan stated.

“No you aren’t, you just have the stomach of a cow.” I laughed.

“Cows have four stomachs,” said a voice behind us, “Now would you please move and stop blocking the door?”

I gapped at her. How dare she ask me to move? She stared at me with a look of disgust, squeezing past me and Stefan, both of us shocked by her actions.
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Hm, here's the second chapter. i wish people would start reading this! hahaa.. oh well. all in good fun.