Kidnap My Affection


One of my favourite past times was playing soccer. Something I had picked up one day while hanging around Stefan’s younger brother. It had been some two years back, and then I could only shuffle the ball between each foot and kick it long distances. It took a while to develop any real type of skill, like aiming for the net and doing fancy footwork. I had become good at it, much like I had at everything in life.

“You seem a bit distracted.” And I was. I looked up at Stefan, who was now hunched over taking a breather from our friendly game of soccer. I wiped my brow and shrugged my shoulders. Truth be told, I was bothered. The reason for my current state could only be blamed on one defiant, ugly piece of work. It got to me. It really did. How could she even think of talking to me that way? Like I was the dirt beneath her shoes.

“It’s nothing, just been a really long day.” I stretched, suddenly feeling the stiffness in my shoulders. Stefan seemed to accept my answer and walked with me towards the bleachers.

“The recital is in a few days. I overheard Principal Williams talking about putting a new person in the final performance spot.”

“That’s ridiculous. That spot is mine.” My previous irritation was forgotten and anger replaced it. The final performance was always saved for the best musician at the school, and that was me. I was the schools best pianist. I prided myself on that, and even if this was some small function for our parents and staff, it was still important. To me at least. That was my spot.

“Apparently some very talented cello player has just enrolled at the school. A talent that surpasses any we’ve heard before. Williams words exactly.” Stefan scoffed.

“Run that by me again. Cello player?”

I truly was in the twilight zone. That girl was going to be eliminated, even if I had to hire someone to break her fingers myself so that she couldn’t play anymore. I knew whom Williams was raving about, and frankly, I was outraged. Not only was she a brilliant musician, but also she just vexed me. She was unattractive and didn’t look like she could rub two penny’s together.

“I’m sure that your father could convince him to let you keep your spot, I mean, your family practically owns half the school.” Even though Stefan was right, I wasn’t satisfied.

I needed to prove that I was better than she was.

“I’ll see you at dinner.” My anger had me up and walking towards the closest music room.

I, Lysander Tannes, was not happy.