The Little Girl's Song

Daddy Dearest

The silent streets echoed the light tapping from child-like steps. The lamp light flickered on and off, causing shadows to appear randomly over the originally dark streets. Her torn dress floated along as she smiled to her songs. She darted passed a gate and through a window. Her laughter crying out as her lips parted. Step by step a man approached.
“Daddy dearest, come out, come out,” she called out in a sing song voice. The steps stopped as his shadow pulled around the corner. It turned quickly and the steps echoed against the tile as they rushed among the locked halls.
“In vain we keep from death
As the many live in regret
How our sorrow rang on false pretense
Happiness never once lasted
A guiding voice quieted by our cries
Oh how merry lives ended in the deepest sea
Where our air is not but poison”
Her voice came back amongst the halls. She rushed after him while she sang, dodging objects in the hall like a nymph. She ran passed empty halls, relishing the fear it was so full of. “I’m coming,” she giggled. A clattering sound came from an open closet. She turned around and walked slowly back. She stepped in and heard the door click behind her. She stilled, fury bringing out further anger as her father’s voice came through.
“Why can’t we live happily ever after? My little princess. That’s what I called you,” he called out, frightened, sad- as well as angry.
“Once upon a time is just a saying
Happily ever after never lasted
Love is just a white lie
Death is a sweet relief
God is just a belief
The world sleeps in an optimistic blanket
The awake die of despair
The living die as the rest slumber in pure ignorance,” she called out in a sad voice.
The sharp intake of oxygen broke her thoughts. The scuttling of steps continued, faster even. The man turned around to see his daughter’s face behind a ring of fire, the door slowly diminishing. She stepped through, her father frozen in fear. She stepped around him slowly, running her hand across his cheek, lowering his face slowly. “Why do you run, Daddy? I can run too,” she whispered softly in his ear. He shivered at the coldness. His breathing came out in small gasps and the little girl took something from her pocket. “A treat from me to you,” she slipped in the little pill and the man’s world turned to black.
“Wake up, Daddy.” she giggled as his eyes slowly fluttered open. His first instinct was to run, only to have feared restrict the movements at the waving knife that swayed inches from his face. The ropes were only an added bonus to the restriction. “Did you have a nice nap?” He didn’t answer. “Oh what a bad move that had been,” she giggled, slicing his cheek and ran the knife lightly down to the corner of his mouth where it was pulled down in a grimace, guiding the blood down ad squeezing his cheeks, making his lips purse. “You really should think, Daddy. I worry about you, you know.” She smiled evilly. ” I don’t want to lose you just yet.” She dropped his face roughly and brought the knife to her lips. Her tongue poked out teasingly and ran along its edges.
“What did I ever do to deserve this?” he gasped, wincing at the pain in his cheek.
“You need to ask?” she sneered.” You killed Mommy!” she yelled.
“I loved her!”
“You cheated on her and she committed suicide!” she yelled, a single tear running down her pale skin. He just stared at her in shock, like he hadn’t known. The thought didn’t even run through the little girl’s mind. “Now you are going to get what you deserve. To die the way she did.” She sobbed, yet no more tears came.
“Wh-“He stopped as the knife ripped through his shirt and the blood ran though its remnants. She dug her knife into his thigh as he opened his mouth. She twisted it and dug it deeper, making him shout in pain. She cut his throat slowly, only so that it hurt but didn’t bleed too much. He stayed quiet, biting his lips till they bled. She lifted his face to look at her, and carved letters into his arm. She thrust the knife so that it pierced through the arm and into his ribs, right through the heart that encircled the name on his arm, Mommy. She left the arm and stepped back watching him intently. “I’m so sorry,” he said sincerely. “Sorry that you’re going to rot in hell!” he yelled, covering up his sadness.
“Don’t you know, Daddy?” She giggled, doing a ballet around the chair, the floor lighting on fire at the touch. “I already am.” She laughed as her body began to fade from her legs and empty ballet slippers danced across the floor. “Because Mommy said she was lonely.” Her smile was left in his mind as her body disappeared. He sat silently awaiting death as the circle enclosed him. Nevertheless, he called out in pain and tears ran hot, the fire turned blue, setting his body on fire. Even if it was for his own pain, the girl would always think it was for her.
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And thats the end of that. Both kinda short like I said. Give feedback please!