Can You See Me Now?

The Start of it All

Grumbling down on her work in the library, the eleven year old Rin got up from the table she was sitting at and went to one of the shelves to get a book that she needed. Shaking her head to get rid of the memories that she suddenly got, Rin couldn't believe that her governess gave her so much homework to do today.

Sliding her fingers down the many books, she stopped at an old, thick one that she has never seen before. Looking at it confused, she pulled it out of the shelf. Blowing the cover, dust flying into the air, she read the title to herself.

"History of Witches" it read. Feeling more confused, Rin looked up and saw another old book next to the empty space that held the book that was currently in her hand, the only difference was that this book was even thicker. Grabbing that one too, she blew on the cover and read the title, when she was able to . This one read "Potions and Spells". Opening it to the front page it had two words only on it.

Saying them outloud, Rin said, "Grant me power" and suddenly the room went dark.

"Do you accept?" a female voice said out of nowhere. Looking around, Rin saw no one.

"Hello?" she said after a moments of silence.

"Do you accept?" and this time a brown marble, with four tiny blue ones circling it, faded in front of her.

"Accept to what?" Rin asked looking at the marbles warily, waiting for them to attack.

"Do you accept the gift of power? If you do, you will be able to gain the powers that powerful witches used to have in their possession, but I must warn you, child, if you accept this gift you will lose your humanity. You will no longer be a human child but a witch. So now that you understand these consequences, do you accept?"

"Does that mean I won't die of old age?" Rin asked. What was the point of gaining powers if she was still going to die of old age?

"That is correct, but you will age until you are twenty-one. After that you're mind will keep aging, as always, but your body will forever be young. I must warn you though, you could still die from horrible wounds or from fatal death, you are not going to be completely immortal, but if you survive any fights you may encounter, your wounds will heal ten times faster than if you were a human."

Just like a demon's body would, Rin thought to herself.

Rin thought over what the voice said. What did she have to lose, except her humanity? Even that didn't help her keep Sesshomaru from leaving her. He was disgusted seeing her in her current form, that's why he left. With these powers she will not be weak anymore. She would be able to destroy anybody who wished to cause her any harm. She wouldn't need any protection from anybody anymore. She wouldn't have to worry about getting old and dying because of it.

Smiling to herself, Rin nodded. When the words "I accept" left her mouth, the marbles faded away, the books that she held in her hands floated in the air and opened as a white light came out of it. Then out of nowhere a strong wind knocked her down onto her stomach.

Suddenly the darkness disappeared and she was back in the library. Pushing herself up with her arms, a strand of hair fell over her shoulder. Rin gasped in surprise when she saw the color.

Getting up, Rin ran towards the mirror that was behind the table that she sat moments before and looked into her reflection. What she saw made her speechless. Her hair was no longer chocolate brown, but was now pure white, almost snow-like, even her eyes changed colors. They were now purple instead of brown.

"You now hold possession of incredible powers. Use them wisely, child."