Can You See Me Now?


Pure darkness was everywhere. The soft pitter-patter of feet was heard as a small little boy ran down the hall. Tears running down his face as he looked in room after room, searching for a way out.

A chuckle was heard behind him and he ran faster, feeling his heart beating faster and faster. Running straight into the last room, he hid underneath the bed and covered his mouth, trying not to make a sound.

Silence is all what he heard, then suddenly the door was slammed open as he heard a pair a feet run in the room. He saw them stop at the foot of the bed he was hiding underneath and saw them crouch down.

Meeting a pair of familiar eyes, he sighed in relief that it wasn't "them".

"Good your safe," he saw her sigh. There was blood running down her forehead and a black eye was forming on her right side of her face.

Silently she took out a thick heavy book and a necklace from behind her. Shoving them into his hand she looked behind her to make sure no one was there.

"Keep this safe and whatever happens do not make a sound," she whispered urgently. "Do you understand? Not a sound." Nodding his head frantically, he put the items next to him and looked up, his eyes showing fear, at the sound of shouting.

"Not a sound," she repeated and stood up. Moments later he saw another pair of feet walk in and a sinister laugh.

A bright light was shown in the room and a scream came after it. The woman's body fell to the floor with a thud, her eyes were wide open facing him. The boy held his hand tight over mouth, keeping the sobs inside him as he saw the dullness in the woman's eyes.

Faintly he saw a trace of blood flow over her mouth and fall onto the floor. Very softly, he heard...

Sitting up, Rin tried to catch her breath. Looking around at the unfamiliar room she was in, Rin noticed that she was covered in a thin coat of cold sweat. Putting a hand to her head, trying to stop the wave of dizziness she felt, she failed to notice that she wasn't alone.

"Are you okay, child?" Searching the room, she squinted her eyes in the darkness to find Kaede looking at her worriedly.

" did I get here?" Rin gasped over the pain. Her chest still felt as if it was on fire and she clenched it in pain.

"You must rest, Rin. Sesshomaru brought you here, do not worry," Kaede said pushing her back down on the mat.

"S-Sesshomaru?" She asked confused. That was not possible, nothing in the whole world would have made him come to Kaede. She was a friend to his half-brother and anything remotely connected to him, Sesshomaru despised. "Is he here?"

"Yes, I will get him if you want," Kaede said. Rin nodded groggily and watched her get up and leave the little hut. She wasn't sure why the hell she needed to see him, maybe it was something that Kaede gave her. Yeah, that's right, it was the herbs that was making her act this way.

Moments later Sesshomaru came in. What Rin saw in his face made her gasp softly. He genuinely looked concern for her. He has never given that look to her or to anyone for that matter. For god sakes, he was like a frickin rock, he only gave one expression, maybe two if ever.

"Rin?" He asked softly. "What's wrong?"

Sitting next to her he stroked her hair with his hand. Sighing contently, Rin mumbled something that made him stop.

"Rin what did—," Sesshomaru was about to ask, but stopped in mid-sentence when he saw her fall back to sleep. Maybe it was the herbs that made her say that.

Getting up, he left Rin so she could sleep more peacefully and walked out of the hut. Sesshomaru was confused about everything. He didn't know what was happening to Rin and he couldn't figure out what exactly he felt towards her either.

He felt guilty for hurting her like this. Maybe it was his fault that this happened to Rin, maybe if he hadn't laid a hand on her in the first place this wouldn't have happened. Sighing softly, he heard a twig crack and recognized the scent belonging to Kaede.

"What do you want, old woman?" He asked annoyed. He didn't want to deal with her right now. She smelled like that mutt of his half-brother and that woman he was infatuated with, which meant that the half-demon was here earlier.

"What happened to her, Sesshomaru?" Kaede asked softly, then paused. "She isn't human anymore, is she?"

"That's correct, priestess," he said closing his eyes in pain at the memory he recalled when he first came home. His back was facing Kaede so he wasn't worried about the brief moment of emotion he showed on his face."She is now a witch."

"What did you do?" Kaede gasped in horror. "Do you have any idea how much danger she is in right now?"

"I did nothing," he turned around in anger. "She did this to herself. She was the one who made the deal. I wasn't there when she—why are you looking at me like that, old woman?" he froze at her expression.

"You care about her," Kaede whispered in awe.

"I don't care about that weak human," Sesshomaru growled.

"She isn't human anymore, remember?"

"I had enough of this," Sesshomaru hissed and walked off, going in deeper into the forest.

Kaede watched him leave feeling stunned. The Great Sesshomaru was in pain, emotional pain. His eyes were bright as if he was going to cry. That wasn't possible, Sesshomaru doesn't do crying, he had too much pride for that.

Looking behind her, she saw the hut that Rin currently was in and looked back at where Sesshomaru was heading. Frowning slightly, Kaede turned around and headed back towards the hut.

Feeling her gaze burn into his back, Sesshomaru walked off stiffly, desperately wanting to get as far away as possible for now. It wasn't safe for him to be near Rin.

Her image of her lying in the mat made him stop for second, but he shook his head and kept going. This was a nightmare. This wasn't supposed to happen. Closing his eyes as he walked, he faintly heard Rin's voice in the wind.

"Why didn't you come back for me sooner? I missed you."
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Ooh Sesshomaru is starting to show emotion. What will happen next time? Stay tuned.