Can You See Me Now?

So Not Good

Rin walked out of the hut in daze. After her talk with Kagome she didn't know what to think. Sure she hated Sesshomaru for what he's done to her, but she also, hated to admit it, would never say out-loud, loved him. No matter how angry she could be at him, deep down she had a certain softness to him, even if she still wished lightening would struck down on him and fry him to bits.

Putting a hand towards her temple, she rubbed it as another migraine came. The wind was whirling around as if it too was confused for some reason. Looking around, she found herself surrounded by trees. She must have walked into the forest without noticing.

Shrugging, she walked in even deeper and decided to just drown her thoughts with nature. This whole thing with Sesshomaru really confused her and she just wanted to forget about it. Maybe if she smashed her head between a rock, this whole problem would go away. Yeah right. I wish.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb with me, Sesshomaru. Even I could see there's something going on between you and Rin and I haven't even seen her yet."

Sesshomaru sighed as he walked around the forest. After leaving Inuyasha, who he gained a little bit respect for him, a little, almost microscopic, he decided that maybe on some unknown planet, he did have feelings for Rin.

What was he going to do about it though? Rin hated him with a passion. He wouldn't be surprised if she was planning his death right now.

Amused at the thought, Sesshomaru thought about how Rin looked kind of, dare he say it, adorable when she got angry. How her nose would crinkle in anger and how bright her eyes would get when she was beyond the brink of anger, he kind of wanted to hold her and never let her go.

Sighing again, he placed a hand on his head. He had it bad, he could see it now. Now that he thought about it, Rin was always in his mind, even when he was gone all those years. He thought he was doing the right thing for her. He didn't want her growing up around all the ugliness that he saw on his traveling. Too bad that plan back-fired. No kidding

Crap I think I'm lost

The word "lost" wasn't even close. She was beyond lost and there was nothing she could do about it.

Blowing at a piece of hair that was getting in her way of her vision, she turned right and hoped it take her straight back to the hut.

A twig snapped behind her and she twirled around quickly, getting her dagger out. Throwing it, it dug into a tree, mere inches away from Sesshomaru's face.

"Oops," Rin said, rubbing the back of her head in a nervous laugh. "I thought you were someone who was trying to kill me."

"Hm," Sesshomaru said, leaning against the tree. "What are you doing here, Rin?"

"Nothing. I'm not lost if that's what you think. I was just walking around the forest and taking in the colors of the trees and--"

"You're rambling," he pointed out rather bluntly.

At that Rin snapped her mouth shut. Crap, she got like that when she got nervous and right now she was practically peeing her pants. The way he leaned casually against the tree, it just made him look so damn sexy. She could almost picture him naked, waiting for her, in bed.

Stop it., Rin

Rin shook her head at her thoughts, as she felt her cheeks get hotter. This was so not good. This wasn't even in the same category as horrible. Can she believe it, she was aroused, horny, alert, and she wanted him now.

What the hell is going on? Please don't tell me I'm going into heat? Not now, anytime but now.

But she was going into heat. That was the downside of having these powers. She went into heat just like normal demons. Why? As if she knew. Usually she would lock herself in her room until it was over, but there was no room around. But what was weird though was that it came early, she was always on schedule, always.

Her thoughts froze at Sesshomaru's look. He could smell her. Of course he could, he was a frickin demon, but not only that but a Lord demon. That look of his told him that he was starting to get affected by the scent.

She saw his eyes flash from his normal gold to red and back to gold. He took one step forward and his eyes stayed red. That was her cue to turn around and run.

Not good, not good, NOT GOOD!!
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh what will happen next? Stay tuned

Cool I sound like that guy from the end of every episode of Pokemon. ^_^