Can You See Me Now?


Still walking aimlessly around the forest, Rin could honestly say that she felt numb. Her eyes were glazed over and so many different thoughts were swirling inside her head.

She didn't even care anymore that she was lost or that it was getting dark. The only thing that she cared about was Sesshomaru. She hated him, but at the same time, she loved him. There was no going back anymore, she couldn't be in denial no matter how hard she tried. The proof was right in front of her face, smacking her back and forth.

Running a hand through her hair, Rin sighed in frustration and froze. Suddenly, she could feel a dark aura coming straight towards her.

Jumping out of time, she skidded to a stop as she saw a huge hole where she stood moments before. Looking up she saw a dark cloaked figure, no taller than Sesshomaru, with a black sythe.

Narrowing her eyes in anger, she aimed her palm at him and fired an energy ball. It was a direct hit and smoke surrounded him, momentarily hiding him from her sight.

When the smoke disappeared she saw him still standing, not a scratch him what so ever. She felt a sinking feeling come over her. That was her strongest attack, maybe not as strong it should be since she was still sick, but that's all she had. She had other spells, but they were no good at this moment.

Suddenly, the dark figure ran straight towards her and swung down with his sythe, cutting her stomach, blood spilling towards the ground at a huge amount.

Falling towards the ground on her back, she turned her head towards the side and saw the bottom part of the sythe. Looking up, her vision getting blurry, she saw the dark cloaked figure nod for some reason and shimmered away.

"S-Sesshomaru," was the last thing she whispered before everything went dark.

"You left her for seven years and you expect her to welcome you with open arms?" Inuyasha shook his head at Sesshomaru.

Looking away from him, Sesshomaru felt annoyed that Inuyasha wasn't taking his side on this. He felt kind of surprise that he wanted his opinion let alone, wanted him to agree with him on this. Before, Sesshomaru didn't care what anybody thought, he only cared about his own opinions, look at him now.

They were both currently sitting on the ground and talking like normal people. This felt so wrong on so many levels.

"Look Sesshomaru, one thing you have to learn is to always apologize and admit you're wrong when it comes to women," Inuyasha said, scratching his head. "It seems Rin is one of those types.

At this Sesshomaru snapped his head back towards him and growled. "I apologize to no one. I am Lord Sesshomaru, that is beneath me."

"Well then, don't come back to me when she decides to be pissed at you for the rest of your life and goes on and marrys someone else."

At that, Sesshomaru shut his mouth and just nodded. He hated to admit it, but Inuyasha was right. Hell must be frozen if Sesshomaru just agreed to something like that.


Sesshomaru froze at the sound of his name. Noticing this change, Inuyasha looked at him in worry.

"Look man I didn't meant to offend you, but--"

"Shut up," Sesshoamru cut him off and stood up. Looking around the forest, he noticed something was wrong. It was quiet, too quiet.

Faintly he could smell blood and tensed when he recognized the scent. No

"What's going on, Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha said, when he noticed Sesshomaru get tensed.

"Go get Kaede and tell her to get ready with any medical herbs she has around," he told Inuyasha.

"Okay," Inuyahsa said hesistantly but left to do what he was told.

Running towards the scent, Sesshomaru could feel his heart beat fast. When a figure on the ground came in sight, he felt his heart stop. Flashing in front of it, he knelt down and saw it was Rin.

He looked at her in horror. There was blood coming out of her stomach at a fast rate and she looked pale.

"Rin," he whispered and was relieved when she opened her eyes.

"I-It h-hurts," she stuttered out.

"Shh...don't talk. I'm going to take you to Kaede's," he whispered, stroking her head softly.



"I'm sorry I've been," she gasped out. "I just didn't to feel...when you came...back."

"I love you," he said quickly. "I always loved you. I'm sorry Rin, so sorry for what I've done. I'm going to take you back to Kaede's. You're going to be fine."

Rin felt tears slide down her face. Blood was trickling down her mouth, as she struggled to breathe.

"I love you, too," she whispered back. Smiling slightly, she coughed and groaned in pain.

Picking her up carefully, Sesshomaru cursed under his breath for leaving his Tenseiga back at the castle. Kissing her on her forehead, he rushed back towards the hut.

You'll make it, you have to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it wasn't as good as I wanted to, but I had to bring in the cloak figured in sometime.

Anyways...they both confessed how they felt...seems like a happy ending...or is it?

Stay tuned.