Can You See Me Now?


Rin woke up to find nothing but darkness. Slowly she sat up, feeling feverish and wincing at the pain in her stomach. Clutching her stomach, Rin found herself in a cell, scratch that in a dirty cell. There was dried up blood on the floor that she didn't even want to know who it was from and a couple of rats at the far right corner from where she was lying at.

Feeling something around her neck, she ran her fingers lightly on it and found out that it was some sort of collar and connected to it was a long chain, where the other end was deeply embedded inside the wall behind her, branding her as if she was some sort of dog on a leash.

Looking around carefully, examining her place, she figured out that the cell was in a basement according to how the walls and ceiling were built. Thinking quietly to herself, she wondered how she got there, what happened, and where was Sessho...maru...

Her eyes widened in realization. No it couldn't be. Please don't tell me it wasn't true? But deep in her heart she knew. Sure she was attacked, that much was true, but what wasn't true was the heart wrenching, confession of his love to her.

It was nothing but a dream. He never found her, he never told her he loved her, he never apologized, and he didn't rescue her. The reality was that she was left for dead only to be kidnapped in the end for god knows why and probably by that cloaked figured who attacked her, too.

Feeling her eyes getting misty, she swallowed down the tears that threatened to spill and took a deep shallow breath. This was no time for her to start feeling pity for herself, it was time for her to concentrate so she could get herself out of this mess, but she still couldn't stop the disappointing feeling crashing down on her. Couldn't stop the feeling of figuring out that it was just a dream...a fantasy that never happened and probably never will.

The fact was, dreams don't come true, no matter how hard you wish.

Sesshomaru walked through the forest in search of Rin. She's been missing for hours and was starting to feel slightly, maybe a little bit, not that much, worried about her.

When he returned back to the hut to find Kagome alone, he was about to turn and search for her right away, but his foolish half brother and his meiko stopped him, saying that she needed some time alone. Now he realized that he was the foolish one for listening to them.

Taking a corner down a tree, he noticed a familiar scent. Rushing towards it, he stopped at a spot where a pool of blood currently laid. Sniffing again, his eyes widened in horror. The pool of blood belonged to Rin.

Putting the pieces together, he figured that she must have been attacked and since she was no where to be found, then she was with them, alive or dead, hopefully alive.

Panicking, yes the Lord of the Western Lands was panicking. But not only that, but was also scared. What if he lost her forever and could never find her? If Rin died, there was a chance that his Teseiga could bring her back to life, but it required a body. If he never found Rin's body then he could never bring her back, could never hold her again, could never tell her that he loved her.

He was foolish for ever leaving her, for wasting all those years alone when he could have spent them with Rin. Next time if, no not if, when he finds her, he will tell her how he feels, he'll gladly shout it to the world. Screw his pride.

Turning back, he ran back towards the hut to ask his half brother for help. He will gladly beg if it meant he got to see his Rin again.

Message to hell, you may want to order some blankets cause it's about to get extremely cold.
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Sorry I haven't been updating like usual, my computer got taken to be fixed and I'm currently visiting my dad and my step-mom this weekend, so I'm using hers. I would have updated last week, but they didn't pay the cable bill so I was Internet-less.

Hope this makes up for it.