Can You See Me Now?


Rin pulled tighter on the chain, trying to desperately break free. For some reason, her powers weren't working. At first she tried her energy ball, but nothing came out. She felt almost, can you believe, human. Weak, pathetic, and useless, just like they are. This can not be happening. She refused to accept that she is once again that pathetic little human girl again.

Giving up, Rin slumped towards the ground in defeat. She had no clue on why she was here, trapped as some prisoner, and why someone would want to do it in the first place.

Hearing a sound, she perked up. It sounded like some door being opened and closed. Looking towards the right she saw a little pathway that had some stairs leading up towards the next floor. Seeing a pair of feet , Rin felt a pang of fear. Without her powers and being chained up, there was no way that she could defend herself properly.

It was still dark in her cell, until some lights were turned on by the sound of a switch and Rin blinked her eyes furiously until her vision got used to the sudden lights. ?Seeing the room clearer now, she looked around. Her eyes widened in horror at the sight.

In the middle of the room was a bed-shaped stone, with straps on each end. Above it, hanging on the wall, looked like torture devices. There were swords, whips, daggers, needles, and some other items that she couldn't quite remember the name to but knew that they could cause serious damage.

Seeing a figure stand in front of her, she noticed it was a child. A little boy who looked no older than ten. He looked so young and innocent, but when she looked into his eyes, she saw that they were blank and that they held no spark in them, no life. They were just completely dull. Looking closely, Rin could almost say that they held a tint of purple in them.

He had short dark brown hair, and was wearing ratty clothes. His feet were also bear and dirty, telling her that he didn't wear any shoes, or have any for that matter.

For some reason, the child looked familiar, but she couldn't picture where or when she met him. For all she knew, she could have met him when she visited a human village, but that was a few years ago.

"W-Who are you?" Rin stuttered out. Something strange was seriously going on.

"Silence. You may not talk until Master Vishnou tells you, too," he said flatly. Turning around, he faced a small table that held many tiny bottle and syringes that Rin didn't see earlier. She gulped, not knowing what they were for. She hoped that they weren't for her. Please don't let that be for me.

Watching the boy quietly, Rin noticed something wrapped around his neck. She realized that it was a collar, the very same one that she currently had on right now. Fingering it lightly, Rin wondered what the collar was for. It had to be for more than just decoration. Someone wouldn't go to all the trouble to give the very same kind to both people.

Silently, Rin wondered if he was a prisoner, too. If that was true, then what would make this boy stay in a place like this. This is no place for a child like him, let alone for a human.

"Are you sure it was Rin's blood?" Inuyasha asked.

"I know what her blood smells like. I'm not an idiot," Sesshomaru snapped at him.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Inuyasha muttered.

Sesshoamru heard the comment and growled dangerously low. He was already on edge with Rin missing, he didn't need Inuyasha's idiotic comments. Inuyasha was seriously looking for a beating.

"Enough you, too," Kagome said sharply. "This is no time to start a fight, besides I think I felt something earlier, so Sesshomaru must not be mistaken," she said looking down worriedly.

"Why didn't you say something earlier?" Sesshomaru growled. "We could have protected her."

"I thought it was nothing because it was so faint. I seriously thought it was you letting out some steam from what happened with Rin earlier."

They all grew quiet at that, especially Sesshomaru. He still didn't know what was going on with Rin earlier and now this. It's like he was doomed to forever live in misery and loneliness.

Before he didn't care, he practically enjoyed the silence with his travels. But after being with Rin and Jaken for all these years, it was normal for him to hear some sort of noise, either it was a whine from Jaken or Rin's precious laughter. It was almost strange to hear such silence.

After a while of just silence, he was the first to break it. "Does anybody even know what is going on?"

"I think we do."
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Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I had some serious writer's block, but don't worry I made it through. Thanks for those who commented me, they really meant a lot. Keep it up and tell me what you guys think.