Can You See Me Now?


"I think we do"

They turned around and found Miroku and Sango standing there. But something was wrong. They both held a tired expression on each other and Sango was even in her Demon Slayer's uniform. There had to be a reason for her to be in it.

Narrowing his eyes suspiciously, Sesshomaru could indicate a strong scent of different kinds of blood on them. Human blood.

Inuyasha smelled the same thing because he let out a small growl and scrunched up his face in disgust.

"Why do you smell like blood? A lot of human blood?"

"That's the thing that we have to talk about, Inuyasha," Miroku sighed, putting down his staff against the wall.

"We went to a village, not far from here to help a couple in need and found the whole town deserted," said Sango, sitting down on a mat, facing Kagome.

"What's weird about that?" Inuyasha said irritated.

Sesshomaru at the moment didn't say anything. He wanted to hear how this town could be connected to Rin's disappearance and right now Inuyasha's interruption kept delaying him from it.

"Well that's the thing," said Miroku. "That village is known for it's large population. It's heard to have so many people around at all hours, but when we got there, no one, and I mean no one, was out there."

"And then, Miroku and I went to the home of the couple we were supposed to help and what we found was..."

"Miroku, I don't like this," Sango said, shifting her large weapon nervously. "Something's not right."

It was quiet, too quiet, as they walked down the road towards the home of the couple that they were supposed to help. There were no women walking around, doing daily chores, or children running around in laughter. There weren't even some men working like they were supposed to.

They reached the front entrance to the home they were got the call from. Sango continued to walk, but an arm blocked her from going.

"Do you hear that?" Miroku frowned, looking at Sango.

"No," Sango said.

"Exactly, there aren't even any birds or animals roaming around here," Miroku said suspiciously.

Suddenly, they felt a dark aura. The sudden force of the energy practically made them double back in pain. Running inside, they saw two corpses on the ground. Blood splattered all over the wall.

Walking closer their eyes widened in horror. The bodies had a deep hole where their heart used to be. Their eyes were opened and their faces held a trace of terror.

Reaching down, Sango went to close their eyes. The corpse's hand reached out and grabbed her wrist. Sango gasped. She yanked her wrist free from them and took a few steps back in terror.

"What the hell is going on?" Miroku cursed out. The corpse's body slowly stood up, facing them. Their eyes glowed an eerie red and all of a sudden they lunged for them.

Sango aimed her Hiratsu at them. "Don't, it's too small in here for you to use that," Miroku shouted, stopping Sango from throwing it.

"Well you can't use your wind tunnel in here either. You don't know what could be in their bodies for them to come back from the dead like that."

Miroku gritted his teeth in agitation. Sango was right, he couldn't risk himself getting poisoned or worse.

"Then it looks like we're going to do this the old-fashion way," Miroku yelled out, dodging another lunge from them. Spinning his staff, he swung it against one and they flew back towards the blood covered wall and fell, only to get up again and lunge at him.

Miroku was fighting the male corpse while Sango fought the female one. Miroku kicked him in the face right before he attempted to bite him.

"Sango, watch out. They're trying to bite us for some reason and we don't know if their bite could be something serious."

"You're...right," Sango said punching the woman in the stomach and kicking her in the face. "Let's end this already." She grabbed her samurai sword and sliced the woman's head off.

She attacked the male corpse and cut his head off, too. Blood covered her face and she swiped her arm across her face to clean it off.

"Let's go, something is clearly wrong here," Miroku said. Sango nodded in agreement.

Running out of the hut, they both stopped and saw a whole bunch of dead corpses coming out of their homes. Each one with their heart missing and their eyes glowing red.

A scream caught their attention and they ran towards them, dodging the many bodies that were trying to capture them.

Sango swung her sword at the bod hovering over a dying woman, cutting them in half, and it's body fell to the ground.

Miroku ran ahead as Sango fought the others that threatened to come closer and crouched down to the dying woman. Blood was trickling down her mouth and she kept murmuring in pain. "My son. My son. Oh, god where is my son?"

"What happened here? Who did this?" Miroku rushed on, feeling sympathy towards the woman. Her son was probably dead.

She stopped her murmuring and looked at Miroku with pain filled eyes, finally noticing him. He noticed that they successfully dug their hands into her heart, but weren't able to pull it out.

"It was...Vishnu...and he's here to kill us all..."

Sango and Miroku looked at their horror stricken expressions, grimacing at the memory.

"And I bet Rin is there with him as their prisoner," Sango said looking at Sesshomaru.

"For what?" He felt numb now. The blood left his face and Sesshomaru struggled to swallow the lump in his throat.

"Who knows," she said with a guilty look.

"The only thing we have is that we know where she's at. But we have to hurry."

"Do you think Naraku is on this," Inuyasha said, anger showing in his eyes.

"I don't know. We haven't heard from him in a while that he could or couldn't be," Miroku shook his head. "If he isn't, then we have someone else to deal with as well."



Water from the sink kept making that damn drip-drop sound, inadvertently making Rin insane. She watched the little boy, who could look no older than ten, mess around with a sharp knife, as if he was inspecting it for any errors on it.

Putting it down with the rest of the syringes, he went to the wall where a cabinet hanged and opened it. Inside there were some more bottles that contained strange colors of liquids in them.

Rin shifted nervously as she saw him walk around the room. What was he doing? There had to be a reason on why he was preparing all of this. It looked like he was getting ready to operate, with the many surgery type items he had laid out.

The boy turned around and looked at Rin. For a split second, she could almost say that she saw flash of pity towards her, but it was gone so quickly that she thought she must have imagined it.

He was silent for a while, just looking at her until he opened his mouth. His next word made her suck in a sharp breath. "Master Vishnu will be here soon."

There were only a few things that could make Rin feel scared. Hiko dying on her was one of them, even Sesshomaru didn't make her feel this way.

She could honestly say that she felt scared shit-less and maybe, in the end, she wasn't going to survive this. One way or another she going to end up being dead, even if it was from the inside out.
♠ ♠ ♠
It seems like this story is turning out to be a romance/horror story. There's only a few more chapters before this story is over. I think I'm going to make sequel to it, depending on how I end it.

What do you think? Will Rin survive in the end or will she die. Only time will tell.